Statistics Norway

1   Building work started. Dwellings and utility floor space in dwellings. Utility floor space other than in dwellings, by user's industry 1983-2003
  Dwellings Utility floor
space in
Utility floor space other than in dwellings
  Total1,2 Agriculture,
forestry and
Mining and
Commerce Education
services and
    1 000 m2
2003 23 177 2 957 3 780 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2002 22 980 3 044 33 755 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2001 25 266 3 409 33 922 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2000 23 550 3 315 3 941 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1999 20 492 2 919 3 950 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1998 19 646 3 014 3 393 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1997 21 259 3 232 4 015 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1996 18 743 2 907 3 545 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1995 20 011 2 874 3 099  347  393  468  183  223 1 484
1994 21 240 2 987 2 787  324  380  453  195 77 1 357
1993 16 194 2 151 2 282  303  297  216  184  100 1 181
1992 15 600 1 973 1 927 ..  271  345  172 46 1 091
1991 17 261 2 189 1 923 ..  291  291  157 59 1 123
1990 21 830 2 938 2 335 ..  398  417  137 91 1 293
1989 26 212 3 701 2 937 ..  463  580  210 62 1 621
1988 28 147 4 544 3 964 ..  657  981  176  105 2 045
1987 29 117 5 267 4 225 ..  853  979  186  185 2 023
1986 29 192 5 579 4 390 ..  893 1 029  150  135 2 183
1985 26 893 4 989 3 506 ..  770  911  150  117 1 558
1984 26 281 4 795 3 077 ..  660  725  165  119 1 408
1983 31 507 5 287 2 684 ..  514  634  175  111 1 250
1  Until 1993 buildings for agriculture, forstry and fishing are not included.
2  Statistics Norway has changed its standard for industrial classification from ISIC to NACE. The new standard was introduced in 1996 in compiling building statistics. Consequently, figures for utility floor space broken down by industry cannot be compared to previous years.
3  The figures have been revised 30 March 2004.

Explanation of symbols