Statistics Norway

4   Building work started. Utility floor space, by type of building. 2000-2003. 1 000 m2
      Total Residential buiiding Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc.
      Total Holiday house, residential garage etc. Non-residential building
      Total Industial building and warehouse Agricultural and fishery building Office and business building Transport and communication building Hotel and restaurant building Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities Hospital and institutional care building Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.
2003 6 737 2 921 3 816  958 2 858  600  486  679 99 90  579  307 19
2002 16 799 3 015 13 784 11 018 12 766  754  471 1 641 76 90 1 417 1 310 6
2001 17 331 3 356 13 975 11 013 12 962  703  441 1 823  155  105  454  274 7
2000 7 257 3 254 4 003  947 3 056  823  406  917  158  106  410  216 19
1  The figures have been revised 30 March 2004.

Explanation of symbols