Statistics Norway

6   Building work started. Dwelling units, by type of building. 2000-2003
  Total In buildings with at least 50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings In buildings with
less than 50 per cent
utility floor space
to dwellings
  Detached house House with
two dwellings
Row house,
linked house and house
with 3 or 4 dwellings
Residence for
2003 22 677 7 141 1 777 3 182 8 786  881  910
2002 22 188 8 214 1 859 2 912 7 109 1 464  630
2001 24 673 9 224 2 232 3 134 7 656 1 422 1 005
2000 23 010 10 025 2 376 3 339 5 198 1 067 1 005

Explanation of symbols