Statistics Norway

7   Buildings under construction at the end of the year. Dwellings and utility floor space in dwellings. Utility floor space other than in dwellings, by user's industry. 1 1983-2003
  Dwellings Utility floor space in dwellings Utility floor space other than in dwellings
  Total2, 3 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and manufacturing Commerce Education services and research Health services Other activities
     1 000 m2
2003 28 084 3 878       4 284 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2002 26 986 3 805 44 334 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2001 25 804 3 724 44 620 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2000 22 722 3 439 4 337 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1999 18 893 2 964 4 202 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1998 18 681 3 032 4 160 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1997 19 895 3 213 4 453 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1996 17 901 2 872 3 726 .. .. .. .. .. ..
1995 17 388 2 601 3 221  338  334  500  185  235 1 629
1994 16 893 2 568 2 851  309  359  488  210 88 1 397
1993 14 271 2 169 2 575  293  320  372  205 82 1 303
1992 14 867 2 322 2 745 ..  423  422  219 58 1 624
1991 17 142 2 716 2 733 ..  458  478  171  111 1 516
1990 22 886 3 758 3 510 ..  594  706  210  191 1 808
1989 28 221 4 592 4 203 ..  670  846  242  191 2 255
1988 30 435 5 418 5 066 ..  894 1 105  228  258 2 582
1987 32 633 6 167 5 356 .. 1 043 1 157  253  270 2 633
1986 31 688 6 210 5 166 .. 1 054 1 130  230  228 2 524
1985 28 467 5 484 4 042 ..  923  931  227  211 1 750
1984 27 560 5 092 3 546 ..  760  750  247  205 1 584
1983 32 210 5 378 3 041 ..  646  644  242  212 1 297
1  As from 1991 there is a break in the statistics due to new preparation routines.
2  Until 1993 buildings for agriculture, forestry and fishing are not included.
3  Statistics Norway has changed its standard for industrial classification from ISIC to NACE. The new standard was introduced in 1996 in compiling building statistics. Consequently, figures for utility floor space broken down by industry cannot be compared to previous years.
4  The figures have been revised 30 March 2004.

Explanation of symbols