Statistics Norway

12   Buildings completed. Dwelling units, by type of building.1 1983-2003
       Total Detached houses Houses with two dwelling units Row houses and terraced houses Houses with 3-4 dwelling units Multi-dwelling houses 3 storeys and over Other residential houses Non-residential houses
  Semi-detached Other
2003 20 648 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2002 21 099 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2001 22 881 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
2000 19 145 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
1999 19 172 6 028 1 267 2 619 1 864 1 009 3 996 2 012  377
1998 20 173 7 582 1 500 3 586 2 098  981 2 275 1 889  262
1997 18 416 6 937 1 349 3 089 1 924 1 018 1 950 1 895  254
1996 17 390 6 727 1 214 2 822 1 707  947 2 129 1 621  223
1995 19 059 7 280 1 417 2 826 2 401 1 129 1 974 1 719  313
1994 17 385 6 852 1 421 2 153 2 512 1 432 1 501 1 296  218
1993 15 252 5 701 1 297 1 753 2 560 1 084 1 306 1 195  356
1992 17 454 6 148 1 522 1 956 2 685 1 638 1 875 1 370  260
1991 21 511 7 009 1 265 2 064 3 547 1 850 3 937 1 504  335
1990 26 478 9 662 1 467 2 882 3 844 1 756 4 605 1 914  348
1989 27 835 12 139 1 375 3 430 3 322 1 326 3 854 1 793  596
1988 30 144 15 387 1 429 3 363 3 350  828 3 487 1 766  534
1987 28 233 17 400 1 272 2 502 2 528  428 2 544 1 173  386
1986 25 669 16 088 1 139 1 966 2 861  358 1 764 1 259  234
1985 26 014 15 703 1 227 1 853 3 176  248 2 292 1 312  203
1984 30 505 16 313 1 257 2 082 4 642  298 3 782 1 853  278
1983 32 164 16 092 2 022 2 428 4 829  366 4 075 2 165  187
1  Statistics Norway has changed its building classification standard. The new standard was introduced in 2000 in building statistics. Consequently, figures for utility floor space broken down by type of building cannot be compared with previous years.

Explanation of symbols