Statistics Norway

20   Buildings work started. Dwellings, by type of building and foundation/materials in supporting structure/materials in outside walls. 2003
  Total In residential buildings and combined buildings with at least 50 per cent utility floor space to dwellings In buildings with
less than 50 per cent
utility floor space
to dwellings
  Detached house House with
two dwelling
Row house,
linked house and
house with 3 or
4 dwellings
Residence for
Foundation 23 177 7 299 1 786 3 235 8 890 1 053  914
Foundation walls 5 196 2 164  408  709 1 575  148  192
Footing 4 293 1 497  493  723 1 092  204  284
Piles  380 20 5 26  289 1 39
Other  118 44 2 7 37 - 28
Unspecified 13 190 3 574  878 1 770 5 897  700  371
Materialar i vertikale berekonstruksjonar              
Materials in vertical supporting structure 23 177 7 299 1 786 3 235 8 890 1 053  914
Wood 4 696 2 246  589  878  728  167 88
Light weight concrete 85 24 12 8 - - 41
Concrete 1 278 12 4 23  956 20  263
Metal 14 - - 4 9 - 1
Brick 2 2 - - - - -
Other - - - - - - -
2 types of material 3 537 1 325  298  533 1 112  156  113
3 types of material  536  118 18 28  326 16 30
Unspecified 13 029 3 572  865 1 761 5 759  694  378
Materialar i horisontale berekonstruksjonar              
Material in horizontal supporting structure 23 177 7 299 1 786 3 235 8 890 1 053  914
Wood 5 353 2 745  656  942  717  205 88
Light weight concrete 74 12 8 12 - - 42
Concrete 1 515 10 4 23 1 134 49  295
Metal 6 2 - 4 - - -
Other - - - - - - -
2 types of material 2 769  871  225  449 1 052  101 71
3 types of material  330 57 4 28  198 4 39
Unspecified 13 130 3 602  889 1 777 5 789  694  379
Material in outside walls 23 177 7 299 1 786 3 235 8 890 1 053  914
Wood 5 824 2 627  690 1 016 1 110  274  107
Light weight concrete 55 24 6 8 15 - 2
Concrete  305 9 2 8  181 -  105
Metal - - - - - - -
Brick 86 8 - 8 58 12 -
Other - - - - - - -
2 types of material 3 373 1 003  207  413 1 405 61  284
3 types of material  492 68 6 20  349 12 37
Unspecified 13 042 3 560  875 1 762 5 772  694  379

Explanation of symbols