Statistics Norway

22   Buildings under construction at the end of the year. Dwellings and utility floor space, by type of building. 2003
Type of building Dwelling units Single rooms Utility floor
space in dwellings
Utility floor
space in other buildings
    1 000 m2  
Total 27 571  513 3 878 4 284
Residential building, total 26 672  509 3 810 41
Detached house 9 434  207 1 981 0
House with two dwelling 2 181 22  294 0
Row house, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings 3 459 64  394 0
Multi-dwelling building 9 855 82 1 033 33
Residence for communities 1 743  134  108 6
Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc., total  899 4 68 4 243
Holiday house, residential garage etc., total - - - 1 049
Non-residential building, total  899 4 68 3 194
Industial building and warehouse 43 - 4  771
Agricultural and fishery building 6 - 1  444
Office and business building  441 2 40  690
Transport and communication building - - -  113
Hotel and restaurant building 28 - 2  106
Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities - 2 0  643
Hospital and institutional care building  379 - 21  414
Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc. 2 - 0 13

Explanation of symbols