Statistics Norway

24   Buildings under construction at the end of the year. Utility floor space, by type of building and county. 1 000 m2. 2003
  Residential buiiding Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc.
  Total Holiday house, residential garage etc. Non-residential building
  Total Industial building and warehouse Agricultural and fishery building Office and business building Transport and communication building Hotel and restaurant building Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities Hospital and institutional care building Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.
Total 3 850 4 311 1 049 3 262  775  444  729  113  108  643  435 14
Østfold  227  236 54  183 63 49 34 1 5 22 6 2
Akershus  608  347  100  247 49 38 57 16 1 67 19 0
Oslo  507  634 94  540 38 1  168 47 27  227 32 -
Hedmark  119  125 35 91 26 18 16 1 4 9 17 -
Oppland  111  172 75 97 21 24 12 3 12 15 10 0
Buskerud  218  298 91  207 50 54 43 0 14 20 24 3
Vestfold  190  276 39  236 82 15 34 15 11 26 53 -
Telemark 87  101 34 67 25 10 14 1 2 5 9 0
Aust-Agder 73 71 16 56 13 7 23 0 4 8 - -
Vest-Agder  167  167 67 99 22 9 30 0 2 25 11 0
Rogaland  434  392 69  323 85 65  108 5 2 41 17 0
Hordaland  307  294 94  200 61 18 42 2 4 34 37 0
Sogn og Fjordane 84  119 31 88 25 20 9 3 7 9 15 0
Møre og Romsdal  176  275 62  213  112 32 20 3 2 23 20 0
Sør-Trøndelag  181  336 68  268 37 22 36 8 7 41  116 1
Nord-Trøndelag 93  139 26  113 23 26 37 1 1 10 16 0
Nordland  134  135 41 94 16 22 23 0 1 10 20 0
Troms 94  154 43  111 15 11 24 4 2 41 8 7
Finnmark Finnmárku 40 41 12 29 12 5 1 2 0 7 2 0

Explanation of symbols