Statistics Norway

26   Buildings completed. Utility floor space, by type of building and county. 1 000 m2. 2003
  Residential buiiding Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc.
  Total Holiday house, residential garage etc. Non-residential building
  Total Industial building and warehouse Agricultural and fishery building Office and business building Transport and communication building Hotel and restaurant building Building used for education, public entertainment and religious activities Hospital and institutional care building Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.
Total 2 722    3 571  887    2 684  556  438  743  100  105  473  256 14
Østfold  138  121 29 92 24 18 10 0 0 25 14 0
Akershus  350  277 48  230 44 35 49 20 15 36 31 -
Oslo  168  336 31  305 20 -  264 1 1 15 4 -
Hedmark  115  177 66  111 37 40 11 0 3 12 7 -
Oppland 82  152 87 66 20 23 4 3 8 5 3 -
Buskerud  147  260  116  144 37 24 15 7 27 25 8 0
Vestfold  123  178 40  138 31 20 31 11 1 26 18 0
Telemark 43  116 53 63 21 12 9 3 1 6 10 -
Aust-Agder 66  105 33 71 8 14 18 4 2 8 17 -
Vest-Agder  115  163 38  126 19 11 31 3 2 54 4 2
Rogaland  398  381 52  329 61  104 67 25 9 41 15 6
Hordaland  278  292 65  227 52 16 44 4 4 61 46 0
Sogn og Fjordane 50 80 15 65 9 12 18 0 1 10 15 0
Møre og Romsdal  153  177 42  135 48 26 24 1 1 15 17 2
Sør-Trøndelag  214  295 68  227 53 22 75 5 21 28 22 0
Nord-Trøndelag 61  132 26  106 26 32 16 3 1 21 6 0
Nordland 87  125 48 76 26 11 14 3 5 10 7 -
Troms 96  147 20  127 10 5 38 4 1 62 6 2
Finnmark Finnmárku 38 56 10 46 8 11 4 0 1 13 8 0

Explanation of symbols