Statistics Norway

31   Buildings completed. Dwelling units, by source and heating and type and building. Number of fixed baths and flush toilets. 2003
Type of building Number of fixed baths Number of flush toilets Dwelling units with
Total Oil-burned central heating
Oil Combined with
Electricity Wood
Total 26 051 29 041 20 648  280  340 9  
Residential building, total 25 278 28 254 19 888  277  202 9  
Detached house 11 218 12 981 7 358 19 16 7  
House with two dwellings 2 165 2 548 1 630 - 2 2  
Row house, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings 2 899 3 245 2 523 2 - -  
Multi-dwelling building 7 949 8 437 7 424 52  145 -  
Residence for communities 1 047 1 043  953  204 39 -  
Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc., total  773  787  760 3  138 -  
  Dwelling units with
  Oil-burned fireplace Wood Electr. Electricity/wood Other and unspecified
  Oil Combined with
  Electricity Wood
Total 4  110 30 37 3 799 8 333 7 706
Residential building, total 3  110 30 37 3 609 8 274 7 337
Detached house 3 17 21 16  249 4 819 2 191
House with two dwellings - - 2 7  109  972  536
Row house, linked house and house with 3 or 4 dwellings - - - 14  363 1 162  982
Multi-dwelling building - 93 7 - 2 667 1 210 3 250
Residence for communities - - - -  221  111  378
Non-residential building, holiday house, residential garage etc., total 1 - - -  190 59  369

Explanation of symbols