48   Prison population at the beginning of the year, by sex, type of sanction and age. 2000
Age Total Males Females
Total Prison-sentence Custody Security detention Total Prison-sentence Custody Security detention
Total 12 487 12 319 1 632  615 57 1 168  116 43 7
15-17 years 14 14 3 11 - - - - -
18-20'  117  108 56 52 - 9 4 5 -
21-24'  261  246  162 84 - 15 8 7 -
25-29'  462  439  304  132 3 23 15 8 -
30-39'  838  775  551  201 23 63 46 13 4
40-49'  572  530  396  111 23 42 30 9 3
50-59'  157  146  119 21 6 11 10 1 -
60-69' 40 37 33 2 2 3 3 - -
70-   ' 8 8 8 - - - - - -
Unknown 1 1 - 1 - - - - -
1  Including 17 cases of serving sentence for not paying a fine (15 men and 2 women), which can not be distributed by type of sanction and age.

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