Statistics Norway

48   Prison population at the beginning of the year, by sex, type of sanction and age. 2001 (Corrected 19.04.05)
Age Total1, 2 Males Females
Total Prison-sentence Custody Security detention Total Prison-sentence Custody Security detention
Total1, 2 2 431 2 284 1 658  534 63  147  111 28 3
15-17years 15 15 4 11 - - - - -
18-20"  130  121 67 54 - 9 5 4 -
21-24"  330  310  213 93 4 20 10 10 -
25-29"  478  453  344  106 3 25 21 4 -
30-39"  874  828  609  190 29 46 41 4 1
40-49"  383  352  278 55 19 31 24 5 2
50-59"  140  132  109 18 5 8 7 1 -
60-69" 38 35 27 6 2 3 3 - -
70-   " 8 8 7 - 1 - - - -
Unknown 1 1 - 1 - - - - -
1  Including 34 cases of serving sentence for not paying a fine (29 men and 5 women), which can not be distributed by age.
2  Corrected 19.04.05 due to revised edition of 2001.

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