57   Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex of the person, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2001
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Security detention Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine Custody Prison-sentence Security detention Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine
Total 1 008 085  211 933  702 661 21 840 14 907 11 475 42 337  586 2 346
Closed institution  633 942  208 272  372 760 10 816 7 413 11 427 21 888 7 1 359
Open institution  258 592 15  232 518 1 021 6 779 1 17 200  143  915
Contract ward 50 422 1 049 40 884 8 152  189 -  148 - -
Day release ward 9 144 - 8 949 - 85 -  110 - -
Provisional leave 15 347 20 14 247  574 17 -  475 14 -
Hospital 9 483 2 577 4 591 1 277 7 47  545  422 17
Treatment institution 31 155 - 28 712 -  417 - 1 971 - 55

Explanation of symbols