Statistics Norway

57   Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex of the person, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2002
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Security detention/
preventive detention1
Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine Custody Prison-sentence Security detention/
preventive detention1
Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine
Total 1 033 550    230 617     706 782 22 520 17 247     12 613 41 367  739 1 665
Closed institution  660 955  228 107  373 257 18 659 8 066 12 111 19 504  565  686
Open institution  248 765 7  222 675  507 8 184 58 16 550 -  784
Contract ward 55 414  989 50 157 1 804  307  368 1 704 80 5
Day release ward 11 818  127 11 447  118  103 - 23 - -
Provisional leave 14 764 47 13 648  477 28 -  527 37 -
Hospital 6 466 1 328 3 705  955  126 76  194 57 25
Treatment institution 35 368 12 31 893 -  433 - 2 865 -  165
1  The new special sanctions preventive detention, compulsory mental health care and compulsory care entered into force 1 January 2002 and was made retrospective so that security detention sentences can be reopened and reversed to one of the new special sanctions.

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