Statistics Norway

58   Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex of the person, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2003
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/security detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/security detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine
Total 1 074 501   224 016   756 586 24 055   12 840   10 850 44 031 1 024 1 099
Closed institution  692 996  220 969  411 394 20 862 5 613 10 722 21 937 1 015  484
Open institution  291 863 15  265 846  462 6 334 70 18 575 -  561
Contract ward 20 278  547 19 624 -  107 - - - -
Day release ward 11 503  621 10 218  511 71 - 82 - -
Provisional leave 15 544  109 14 511  298 43 -  573 8 2
Hospital 7 898 1 750 3 969 1 922 11 58  187 1 -
Treatment institution 34 419 5 31 024 -  661 - 2 677 - 52
1  The new special sanctions preventive detention, compulsory mental health care and compulsory care entered into force 1 January 2002 and was made retrospective so that security detention sentences can be reopened and reversed to one of the new special sanctions.

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