Statistics Norway

58   Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex of the person, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2004
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detentionSecurity detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/Security detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine
Total 1 108 181  213 395  794 053 25 264 16 162 12 888 44 170 1 082 1 167
Closed institution  722 057  211 814  445 252 22 874 6 563 11 883 22 303  773  595
Open institution  302 629 79  273 647  658 8 519  820 18 426 -  480
Contract ward 20 930 81 20 695 3  151 - - - -
Day release ward 21 131  497 19 787  226  105 -  516 - -
Provisional leave 16 077 17 15 204  189 58 -  609 - -
Hospital 6 749  907 3 735 1 314 27  185  272  309 -
Treatment institution 18 608 - 15 733 -  739 - 2 044 - 92
1  The new special sanctions preventive detention, compulsory mental health care and compulsory care entered into force 1 January 2002 and was made retrospective so that security detention sentences can be reopened and reversed to one of the new special sanctions.

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