Statistics Norway

54   Prison population at the beginning of the year, by sex, type of sanction and age. 2005
Age Total1 Males Females
Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/Security detention2 Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/Security detention2
Total1 3 170 2 988 2 363  499 63  182  138 36 4
15-17 years 11 11 4 7 - - - - -
18-20    "  153  147  100 47 - 6 1 5 -
21-24    "  428  413  334 77 2 15 11 4 -
25-29    "  598  564  473 85 6 34 25 8 1
30-39    " 1 055  985  779  186 20 70 56 13 1
40-49    "  603  565  464 79 22 38 32 5 1
50-59    "  196  183  161 13 9 13 11 1 1
60-69    " 54 52 43 5 4 2 2 - -
70-       " 5 5 5 - - - - - -
Unknown - - - - - - - - -
1  Including 67 cases of serving sentence for not paying a fine (63 men and 4 women), which can not be distributed by type of principal offence. From October 2004 included, The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) passed over unpaid fines to The Norwegian Correctional Services for calling up to subsidiary imprisonment after three year instead of the previous four years. With that the police districts in 2005 got passed over fine demands for two annuals (2001 and 2002) unlike other years with one annual.
2  The new special sanctions preventive detention, compulsory mental health care and compulsory care entered into force 1 January 2002 and was made retrospective so that security detention sentences can be reopened and reversed to one of the new special sanctions.

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