Statistics Norway

63   Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex of the person, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2005
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/Security detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine2 Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/Security detention1 Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine2
Total 1 140 344  202 461  814 959 26 226 35 771 11 145 44 206 1 401 4 175
Closed institution  743 725  201 097  466 304 24 278 16 797 10 347 22 119 1 192 1 591
Open institution  307 604 61  271 521 38 16 344  646 16 759 0 2 235
Contract ward 12 920  111 12 494  234 81 0 0 0 0
Day release ward 26 672  479 24 916 0  338 0  939 0 0
Provisional leave 15 110 30 14 155  188 52 0  676 5 4
Hospital 6 473  683 3 840 1 145 40  152  393  204 16
Treatment institution 27 840 0 21 729  343 2 119 0 3 320 0  329
1  The new special sanctions preventive detention, compulsory mental health care and compulsory care entered into force 1 January 2002 and was made retrospective so that security detention sentences can be reopened and reversed to one of the new special sanctions.
2  From October 2004 included, The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) passed over unpaid fines to The Norwegian Correctional Services for calling up to subsidiary imprisonment after three year instead of the previous four years. With that the police districts in 2005 got passed over fine demands for two annuals (2001 and 2002) unlike other years with one annual.

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