Statistics Norway

56 New imprisonments, by sex, age and type of principal offence. 2006
Type of principal offence Total1 Sex Age
Males Females 15-17 18-20 21-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50- 
All types of offences1 11 938   10 939  999 74    969   1 980   1 933   3 152   1 934    1 034
Crimes 8 213 7 567  646 71  708 1 470 1 485 2 473 1 394  612
Crime against the Penal Code 7 677 7 060  617 69  687 1 388 1 411 2 332 1 267  523
Crime against public authorities  300  271 29 2 40 62 65 64 48 19
Assaulting public servant  248  220 28 - 32 53 46 56 42 19
Other 52 51 1 2 8 9 19 8 6 -
Crime against public order and peace 33 32 1 - 2 7 5 14 4 1
Discrimination owing to race - - - - - - - - - -
Housebreaking and burglary 29 28 1 - 2 7 5 10 4 1
Other 4 4 - - - - - 4 - -
Crime involving public danger 1 588 1 421  167 5 83  271  356  513  262 98
Arson 10 10 - - 2 2 - 3 3 -
Unintentionally causing fire 1 1 - - - - - - 1 -
Crime of narcotics  899  809 90 3 59  164  198  277  153 45
Serious crime of narcotics  658  581 77 2 21  101  152  227  103 52
Other 20 20 - - 1 4 6 6 2 1
Perjury and false evidence 70 59 11 1 14 9 10 27 7 2
False accusation 47 39 8 - 3 11 9 15 5 4
Counterfeiting 7 7 - 1 1 2 - - 3 -
Forgery  177  148 29 - 8 35 42 52 33 7
Sexual crime  413  409 4 4 23 49 62  111 87 77
Rape  101 98 3 4 9 15 17 31 19 6
Sexual intercourse by threats, cunning behaviour etc. - - - - - - - - - -
Sexual intercourse with unconscious person - - - - - - - - - -
Attempted rape 9 9 - - - 2 - 4 2 1
Incest 3 3 - - - - - - 1 2
Sexual intercourse with children under 10 years of age 19 19 - - 1 - 2 3 5 8
Sexual intercourse with children under 14 years of age 84 84 - - 9 9 16 15 16 19
Sexual intercourse with children under 16 years of age 78 78 - - 4 19 17 24 7 7
Other sexual intercourse 12 12 - - - - - 3 4 5
Pornography 64 64 - - - 3 8 17 22 14
Other 43 42 1 - - 1 2 14 11 15
Crime concerning family relations 17 15 2 - - - 1 7 9 -
Crime against personal liberty  490  461 29 5 34 84 70  147 97 53
Crime of violence against the person 1 472 1 417 55 29  260  363  238  324  179 79
Assault  423  416 7 5 72 95 63  104 57 27
Wounding or inflicting bodily harm  961  925 36 21  171  252  164  199  110 44
Inflicting grievous bodily harm 14 12 2 - 3 2 - 6 2 1
Attempted murder 24 19 5 2 7 4 3 5 1 2
Murder 7 5 2 1 - 1 - 3 2 -
Manslaughter 30 28 2 - 3 5 7 6 4 5
Other 13 12 1 - 4 4 1 1 3 -
Slander and libel - - - - - - - - - -
Embezzlement 98 78 20 - 3 8 8 36 27 16
Larceny 1 679 1 571  108 11  129  310  349  593  248 39
Simple and minor larceny  438  376 62 1 24 75 97  155 73 13
Aggravated larceny  948  909 39 7 77  191  182  330  140 21
Theft of motor vehicle  293  286 7 3 28 44 70  108 35 5
Blackmail and robbery  238  227 11 8 60 79 39 38 9 5
Blackmail 17 16 1 1 - 5 4 5 2 -
Robbery  139  130 9 7 39 42 21 21 4 5
Aggravated robbery 79 78 1 - 19 32 14 11 3 -
Blackmail and robbery, various 3 3 - - 2 - - 1 - -
Fraud and breach of trust  652  533  119 1 3 38 90  255  169 96
Crime in connection with debts 28 28 - - - - 1 5 15 7
Crime inflicting damage to property 75 71 4 1 13 16 15 15 12 3
Inflicting slight damage 44 43 1 - 8 12 7 10 6 1
Inflicting serious damage 31 28 3 1 5 4 8 5 6 2
Breach of trade secrets - - - - - - - - - -
Receiving stolen goods, subsequent assistance to the offender  292  272 20 1 11 44 50  116 53 17
Receiving stolen goods  228  213 15 - 6 38 39 89 46 10
Aggravated receiving stolen goods 48 44 4 - 2 5 11 19 5 6
Other 16 15 1 1 3 1 - 8 2 1
Other crime against the Penal Code 1 1 - - - - 1 - - -
Crime against the Act relating to medicinal goods etc.  188  168 20 2 11 44 37 61 28 5
Use of narcotics  118  104 14 2 11 28 22 37 15 3
Possession of narcotics 67 61 6 - - 16 14 22 13 2
Narcotics, various 3 3 - - - - 1 2 - -
Crime against the Act relating to value added tax 34 34 - - - - - 8 12 14
Crime against the Assessment Act 20 20 - - - - - 2 7 11
Crime against the Duty Act 24 23 1 - - - 4 7 9 4
Crime against other Acts  270  262 8 - 10 38 33 63 71 55
Misdemeanours 2 764 2 537  227 2  255  493  427  655  519  413
Misdemeanour against the Penal Code 89 81 8 - 5 11 15 30 16 12
Misdemeanour inflicting damage to property - - - - - - - - - -
Petty larceny 6 5 1 - - - 4 1 - 1
Misdemeanour against public order and peace2 17 17 - - 2 2 1 7 2 3
Telephone harassment 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 -
Other 65 59 6 - 3 9 10 22 13 8
Traffic misdemeanour 2 397 2 194  203 1  241  437  342  551  449  376
Driving under influence of alcohol 1 749 1 557  192 1  117  257  234  406  384  350
Other  648  637 11 -  124  180  108  145 65 26
Misdemeanour against the Duty Act - - - - - - - - - -
Misdemeanour against other Acts2  278  262 16 1 9 45 70 74 54 25
Crimes or misdemeanours 99 90 9 1 6 17 21 24 21 9
Crime or misdemeanour against the Act relating to value added tax 1 1 - - - - - - 1 -
Crime or misdemeanour against the Duty Act 27 25 2 - - 2 2 11 10 2
Crime or misdemeanour against other Acts 71 64 7 1 6 15 19 13 10 7
Unknown offence - - - - - - - - - -
1  Including 862 cases of serving sentence in for not paying a fine (745 men and 117 women), which can not be distributed by age and type of principal offence. From October 2004 included, The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) passed over unpaid fines to The Norwegian Correctional Services for calling up to subsidiary imprisonment after three year instead of the previous four years. With that the police districts in 2005 got passed over fine demands for two annuals (2001 and 2002) unlike other years with one annual.
2  The Vagrancy Act was abolished 1.1.2006, with the exception of § 11 on begging which was abolished 1.7.2006. The Penal Code chapter 35, Misdemeanours against public order and peace, § 350 was at the same time extended to include "the one who in self-inflicted intoxication are molesting or harming others" (2.subsection).

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