Statistics Norway

63 Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2006
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/Security detention Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine1 Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/Security detention Serving sentence for non-payment of a fine1
Total 1 186 292       197 655      873 696 25 846 27 534      11 008 45 817 1 351 3 385
Closed institution  761 482  195 728  493 071 24 429 12 402 10 197 22 827 1 349 1 479
Open institution  334 832 17  303 732 0 12 172  406 17 044 0 1 461
Contract ward 3 142 66 2 835  241 0 0 0 0 0
Day release ward 31 771  165 30 044 0  311 0 1 244 0 7
Provisional leave 16 020 5 14 856  229  119 4  802 2 3
Hospital 7 029 1 674 3 674  904 61  401  301 0 14
Treatment institution 32 016 0 25 484 43 2 469 0 3 599 0  421
1  From October 2004 included, The Norwegian National Collection Agency (NCA) passed over unpaid fines to The Norwegian Correctional Services for calling up to subsidiary imprisonment after three year instead of the previous four years. With that the police districts in 2005 got passed over fine demands for two annuals (2001 and 2002) unlike other years with one annual.

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