Statistics Norway

54 Prison population by sex, type of sanction and age. 1 January 2007. Absolute figures
Age Total1 Males Females
Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/Security detention2 Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/Security detention2
Total1 3 446 3 258 2 601  545 73  188  150 30 3
15-17 years 7 7 6 1 - - - - -
18-20 "  138  133  102 31 - 5 2 3 -
21-24 "  439  423  320  100 3 16 11 5 -
25-29 "  636  605  466  130 9 31 27 4 -
30-39 " 1 132 1 065  869  180 16 67 52 13 2
40-49 "  706  669  543 89 37 37 35 2 -
50-59 "  255  233  215 11 7 22 19 2 1
60-69 " 68 64 61 2 1 4 3 1 -
70-   " 21 20 19 1 - 1 1 - -
1  Including 44 cases of serving sentence for not paying a fine (39 men and 5 women), which can not be distributed by type of principal offence.
2  The number of persons imprisoned to preventive detention is larger due to errors in the data basis for previous years.

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