Statistics Norway

63 Days spent in penal institutions during the year, by sex, type of sanction, and type of imprisonment. 2007
Type of imprisonment Both sexes Males Females
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/
Security detention
Serving sentence for
non-payment of a fine
Custody Prison-sentence Preventive detention/
Security detention
Serving sentence for
non-payment of a fine
Total 1 248 338  227 215  899 515 27 097 27 622 15 326 47 218 1 230 3 115
Closed institution  769 974  225 395  473 499 26 236 9 777 13 627 19 447  999  994
Open institution  389 156 72  349 145 - 14 488 1 661 22 299 - 1 491
Contract ward1 - - - - - - - - -
Day release ward 33 756 - 31 896 -  492 - 1 102  230 36
Provisional leave 16 913 16 15 849  209 78 -  756 - 5
Hospital 6 753 1 732 4 378  422 44 38  123 1 15
Treatment institution 31 786 - 24 748  230 2 743 - 3 491 -  574
1  The concept "Contract ward" vanished with the introduction of 'Straffegjennomføringsloven' ( 2000-2001). Until 2006 included, persons have had contract ward as type of serving a sentence. This is no longer the case in 2007.

Explanation of symbols