Statistics Norway

54 Prison population by sex, type of sanction and age. 1 January 2009. Absolute figures
Age Total1 Total Males Females
Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/
Security detention
Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/
Security detention
Total Prison-sentence Custody Preventive detention/
Security detention
Total1 3 340 2 611  577 74 3 123 2 435  545 70  217  176 32 4
15-17years 8 6 2 - 7 5 2 - 1 1 - -
18-20"  145 93 52 -  138 88 50 - 7 5 2 -
21-24"  405  292  112 1  381  280  100 1 24 12 12 -
25-29"  597  470  114 13  571  446  112 13 26 24 2 -
30-39" 1 022  814  191 17  953  760  178 15 69 54 13 2
40-49"  701  591 79 31  642  535 77 30 59 56 2 1
50-59"  290  258 23 9  270  240 22 8 20 18 1 1
60-69" 76 70 3 3 71 65 3 3 5 5 - -
70-   " 18 17 1 - 17 16 1 - 1 1 - -
1  Including 78 cases of serving sentence for not paying a fine (73 men and 5 women), which can not be distributed by age.

Explanation of symbols