Statistics Norway - home page

Financial institutions. 4. quarter 2007
4 Banks. Key indicators. Million kroner
31.12.2006 31. 03.2007* 30. 06.2007* 30. 09.2007* 31. 12.2007*
Developement of volume   
Total assets 2 624 895 2 820 199 2 955 472 2 974 652 3 120 825
Capital assets   
Investments in subsidiaries 20 811 21 312 20 910 21 000 23 861
Shares and primary capital certificates 3 837 3 963 4 356 4 198 4 583
Shares in securities fund 61 63 61 61 99
Bonds 4 859 3 027 3 197 3 536 3 297
Short-term investments   
Shares and primary capital securities 6 120 8 186 17 342 10 429 13 132
Shares in securities fund 1 105 1 603 1 895 2 957 3 480
Bonds and certificates 240 988 214 513 215 744 213 368 213 756
Loans utilizied 2 037 703 2 154 377 2 249 402 2 305 592 2 396 888
Loans utilizied to the public 1 834 894 1 887 283 1 970 864 2 024 471 2 077 571
Loans with mortgage on dwelling to the public 1 027 747 1 000 551 1 009 964 1 022 237 1 005 564
Loans utilizied in foreign currency 203 726 226 332 219 219 213 277 242 777
Specified provisions on loans -4 973 -5 207 -5 513 -4 978 -4 787
Unspecified provisions on loans -3 515 -3 380 -3 275 -3 291 -3 035
Deposits from the public 1 098 079 1 140 299 1 206 536 1 202 899 1 252 485
Loans: Bonds and certificates 614 153 630 417 615 359 610 443 667 840
Technical provisions in insurance . . . . .
Equity 140 243 143 993 140 796 140 931 145 815
Share- and primary certificate capital 34 153 34 421 32 818 32 860 34 334
Profit and loss account   
Net financial income1 39 190 9 996 20 372 31 550 42 705
Net gains on investments2 5 741 1 587 3 079 3 268 4 417
Premium income . . . . .
Claims incurred . . . . .
Net change in technical provisions . . . . .
Net losses on loans and guaranties -1 429 -7 98 106 92
Personnel costs 16 536 4 375 8 606 13 126 17 892
Proft/loss before tax 28 873 7 093 14 480 21 864 31 023
Other key indicators   
Number of enterprises 147 148 148 148 152
Claims on foreign debotors 388 941 465 965 474 458 450 287 476 703
Of which: International reserves .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 870 786 1 020 457 1 008 675 1 008 296 1 046 710
Guaranties 169 089 156 138 158 725 153 835 92 931
Per cent   
Utilizied loan to the public in percent of totale sharecapital 69.9 66.9 66.7 68.1 66.6
Foreign own share capital i percent of total sharecapital 17.3 17.6 18.6 19.4 18.7
Net financial income in per cent of total assets 1.5 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.4
Profit/loss before tax i per cent of total assets 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0

1From 1996: "Share dividend" are separeted from "Other interest income".
2From 1996: "Profit from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating income" and "loss from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating costs".
