Statistics Norway - home page

Financial institutions. 2. quarter 2008
4 Banks. Key indicators. Million kroner
30.06.2007 30. 09.2007* 31. 12.2007* 31. 03.2008* 30. 06.2008*
Developement of volume   
Total assets 2 955 472 2 974 662 3 120 776 3 196 871 3 339 673
Capital assets   
Investments in subsidiaries 20 910 21 000 23 861 27 216 28 906
Shares and primary capital certificates 4 356 4 198 4 583 4 811 5 068
Shares in securities fund 61 61 99 113 128
Bonds 3 197 3 536 3 297 3 176 3 156
Short-term investments   
Shares and primary capital securities 17 342 10 429 13 133 15 598 15 985
Shares in securities fund 1 895 2 957 3 480 3 503 4 279
Bonds and certificates 215 744 213 368 213 755 210 131 231 724
Loans utilizied 2 249 402 2 305 592 2 396 891 2 434 617 2 498 683
Loans utilizied to the public 1 970 817 2 024 322 2 077 265 2 125 752 2 169 004
Loans with mortgage on dwelling to the public 1 009 964 1 022 237 1 005 563 998 439 976 674
Loans utilizied in foreign currency 219 219 213 277 242 777 248 997 268 091
Specified provisions on loans -5 513 -4 978 -4 807 -4 698 -5 623
Unspecified provisions on loans -3 275 -3 291 -3 035 -3 001 -3 039
Deposits from the public 1 206 536 1 202 899 1 252 484 1 232 016 1 277 692
Loans: Bonds and certificates 615 359 610 443 667 838 697 779 717 189
Technical provisions in insurance . . . . .
Equity 140 796 140 931 145 818 158 226 159 222
Share- and primary certificate capital 32 818 32 860 34 334 34 962 35 505
Profit and loss account   
Net financial income1 20 372 31 551 42 707 12 250 24 433
Net gains on investments2 3 079 3 268 4 413 -1 635 667
Premium income . . . . .
Claims incurred . . . . .
Net change in technical provisions . . . . .
Net losses on loans and guaranties 98 106 91 356 798
Personnel costs 8 606 13 123 17 886 4 703 9 402
Proft/loss before tax 14 480 21 864 31 020 4 844 13 672
Other key indicators   
Number of enterprises 148 148 152 149 149
Claims on foreign debotors 474 457 450 287 477 058 496 224 595 105
Of which: International reserves .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 1 008 675 1 008 948 1 047 376 1 114 322 1 209 158
Guaranties 158 725 153 835 92 933 89 992 92 112
Per cent   
Utilizied loan to the public in percent of totale sharecapital 66.7 68.1 66.6 66.5 64.9
Foreign own share capital i percent of total sharecapital 18.6 19.4 18.7 18.4 18.5
Net financial income in per cent of total assets 0.7 1.1 1.4 0.4 0.7
Profit/loss before tax i per cent of total assets 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.2 0.4

1From 1996: "Share dividend" are separeted from "Other interest income".
2From 1996: "Profit from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating income" and "loss from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating costs".
