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Financial institutions. 2. quarter 2008
6 Finance and mortgage companies. Key indicators. Million kroner
30.06.2007 30.09.2007* 31.12.2007* 31.03.2008* 30.06.2008*
Developement of volume   
Total assets 659 318 685 041 761 127 790 403 854 914
Capital assets   
Investments in subsidiaries 1 039 1 044 1 500 582 592
Shares and primary capital certificates 44 44 166 161 189
Shares in securities fund . . . . .
Bonds 200 185 183 . .
Short-term investments   
Shares and primary capital securities 145 138 136 5 575
Shares in securities fund 377 383 372 241 243
Bonds and certificates 107 590 103 352 117 099 110 435 130 719
Loans utilizied 525 847 545 383 608 280 635 487 672 417
Loans utilizied to the public 406 586 423 499 477 310 502 555 544 815
Loans with mortgage on dwelling to the public 72 864 72 678 96 065 106 167 127 519
Loans utilizied in foreign currency 58 059 56 257 59 533 59 487 56 535
Specified provisions on loans -1 597 -1 642 -1 721 -2 002 -3 173
Unspecified provisions on loans -333 -325 -282 -289 -306
Deposits from the public . . . . .
Loans: Bonds and certificates 341 911 366 941 429 452 452 246 506 498
Technical provisions in insurance . . . . .
Equity 24 451 24 505 26 297 29 552 30 877
Share- and primary certificate capital 10 596 10 750 11 301 12 751 13 326
Profit and loss account   
Net financial income1 2 970 4 638 6 470 1 886 4 000
Net gains on investments2 53 -243 -420 -228 45
Premium income . . . . .
Claims incurred . . . . .
Net change in technical provisions . . . . .
Net losses on loans and guaranties 127 190 351 119 287
Personnel costs 965 1 490 2 043 570 1 166
Proft/loss before tax 1 657 2 274 2 934 663 1 938
Other key indicators   
Number of enterprises 63 64 65 63 63
Claims on foreign debotors 132 395 131 981 150 017 150 258 178 614
Of which: International reserves .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 367 704 386 647 442 906 480 916 536 508
Guaranties 541 512 445 407 663
Per cent   
Utilizied loan to the public in percent of totale sharecapital 61.7 61.8 62.7 63.6 63.7
Foreign own share capital i percent of total sharecapital 18.5 17.8 17.0 15.4 14.8
Net financial income in per cent of total assets 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.2 0.5
Profit/loss before tax i per cent of total assets 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2

1From 1996: "Share dividend" are separeted from "Other interest income".
2From 1996: "Profit from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating income" and "loss from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating costs".
