Statistics Norway - home page

Financial institutions. 3. quarter 2008
3 The Central Bank of Norway1. Key indicators. Million kroner
30.09.2007 31.12.2007* 31.03.2008* 30.06.2008* 30.09.2008*
Developement of volume   
Total assets 380 545 423 114 360 870 381 814 385 152
Capital assets   
Investments in subsidiaries . . . . .
Shares and primary capital certificates 94 94 94 94 94
Shares in securities fund . . . . .
Bonds . . . . .
Short-term investments   
Shares and primary capital securities 90 445 88 368 74 807 72 430 66 490
Shares in securities fund . . . . .
Bonds and certificates 150 234 154 990 152 062 144 928 142 966
Loans utilizied 116 401 152 843 103 793 135 953 136 073
Loans utilizied to the public 463 444 451 454 469
Loans with mortgage on dwelling to the public 442 424 430 431 446
Loans utilizied in foreign currency 97 938 77 399 65 342 46 649 63 604
Specified provisions on loans 0 0 0 0 0
Unspecified provisions on loans . . . . .
Deposits from the public 34 37 32 30 31
Loans: Bonds and certificates . . . . .
Technical provisions in insurance . . . . .
Equity 74 123 56 548 56 548 56 548 56 548
Share- and primary certificate capital . . . . .
Profit and loss account   
Net financial income2 4 435 5 441 405 2 691 3 601
Net gains on investments3 -22 184 -22 098 -16 749 -23 992 -18 375
Premium income . . . . .
Claims incurred . . . . .
Net change in technical provisions . . . . .
Net losses on loans and guaranties . . . . .
Personnel costs 1 388 2 013 524 1 016 1 405
Proft/loss before tax -18 310 -17 576 -16 304 -21 434 -15 064
Other key indicators   
Number of enterprises 1 1 1 1 1
Claims on foreign debotors 359 027 343 919 311 514 284 200 305 972
Of which: International reserves 321 790 330 487 282 586 256 706 261 711
Debts to foreign creditors 114 346 102 315 87 259 62 046 57 551
Guaranties . . . . .
Per cent   
Utilizied loan to the public in percent of totale sharecapital 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Foreign own share capital i percent of total sharecapital 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net financial income in per cent of total assets 1.2 1.3 0.1 0.7 0.9
Profit/loss before tax i per cent of total assets -4.8 -4.2 -4.5 -5.6 -3.9

1Exclusive Government Petroleum Fund Investment.
2From 1996: "Share dividend" are separeted from "Other interest income".
3From 1996: "Profit from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating income" and "loss from sale of capital assets" are placed with "other operating costs".
