Statistics Norway - home page

Financial institutions. 1. quarter 2010
1 Fiancial institutions. Balance sheet by financial instruments. 31.03.2010*. Million kroner
Total The Central Bank
of Norway1
Commercial banks and
saving banks
State lendig
Finance and mortage
Life insurance
Non-life insurance
Intangible assets 15 450 . 6 912 . 1 371 968 6 199
Repossesed asset 594 . 306 0 288 . .
Buildings, real property, machinery 18 721 1 575 5 759 67 2 933 5 733 2 654
Land and buildings 12 280 1 385 2 865 57 209 5 468 2 296
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 6 442 191 2 894 10 2 724 265 358
Capital assets 2 196 600 528 192 231 2 214 1 627 . .
Shares, participatios and promary capital certificates 58 697 94 56 110 2 200 293 . .
Bonds 136 477 . 135 413 . 1 063 . .
Other capital assets 1 426 434 708 14 270 . .
Short-term investments 2 1 961 164 231 645 716 136 48 193 167 708 867 111 302
Shares, participatios and promary capital certificates 453 628 87 200 27 159 48 319 296 740 42 162
Bonds 1 143 291 138 233 382 121 . 150 384 404 560 67 993
Certificates 227 243 5 861 207 003 . 14 379 . .
Other short-term investments 137 002 352 99 853 . 28 085 7 566 1 146
Loans utilizied 3 909 723 123 883 2 344 847 230 062 1 138 917 69 355 2 657
Gross loans 3 921 552 123 883 2 354 367 230 871 1 140 418 69 355 2 657
Specified provisions on loans -11 829 0 -9 519 -809 -1 501 . .
Uspecified provisions on loans -7 952 . -7 122 -240 -591 . .
Other assets 163 609 23 595 47 471 5 177 21 300 8 076 57 991
Notes, coins and deposits 423 211 817 336 229 3 840 47 287 26 045 8 994
Gold, SDR's and reserve positions in the IMF 18 668 18 668 . . . . .
Total assets 6 699 788 400 712 3 642 769 241 168 1 406 299 819 043 189 797
Equity and liabilities/net revenue   
Net revenues 16 035 6 437 6 187 -163 1 359 1 125 1 090
Equity 390 932 52 282 188 225 5 215 57 379 44 466 43 366
Share capital 61 058 . 31 115 . 19 642 6 910 3 391
Primary capital certificates 12 037 . 9 645 914 50 12 1 416
Other equity 317 837 52 282 147 466 4 301 37 687 37 543 38 558
Revaluation reserve 10 209 . . . . 10 209 .
Technical provisions 860 129 . . . . 729 526 130 603
Liabilities 5 421 763 341 993 3 448 356 236 116 1 346 841 33 718 14 738
Loans on bonds 1 478 014 . 537 984 . 933 951 6 078 .
Bank certificates 128 597 . 105 553 . 23 043 . .
Deposits 2 530 480 202 313 2 328 168 . . . .
Notes and coins i circulation 50 079 50 079 . . . . .
Other loans 910 385 23 387 313 555 229 556 334 196 9 523 168
Other liabilities 324 208 66 215 163 095 6 561 55 650 18 117 14 570
Total equity and liabilities 6 699 067 400 712 3 642 768 241 168 1 405 579 819 043 189 797
Utilizied loans to the public 3 224 829 481 1 920 446 225 859 1 033 842 42 923 1 278
Of which: Loans with mortgage on dwelling 1 237 002 481 727 816 78 254 417 617 12 247 587
Deposits from the public 1 325 483 47 1 325 436 . . . .
Claims on foreign debitors 1 649 047 344 074 647 762 2 577 245 318 325 148 84 169
Of which: International reserves 318 288 318 288 .. .. .. .. ..
Debt to foreign creditors 2 088 460 68 068 1 275 179 10 717 304 8 142 19 758
Foreign own share capital 10 596 . 7 815 . 2 068 119 595
Foreign own share capital in precentage of total shares 14.5 . 19.2 . 10.5 1.7 12.4

1Exclusive Government Petroleum Fund Investment.
2From 2008 "Capital assets" and "Short-term investments" are combined for the insurance companies
