Statistics Norway

Total assets and total lending to the public from financial institutions.
3rd quarter 2007-3rd quarter 2008. NOK billion
  3. quarter 2007 4. quarter 2007 1. quarter 2008 2. quarter 2008 3. quarter 2008
  Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending
Total 5 140     2 660     5 425     2 660     5 479     2 853     5 714     2 943     5 938     3 018
Norges Bank  381 1  423 1  361 1  382 1  385 1
Banks 2 975 2 024 3 121 2 078 3 197 2 126 3 340 2 169 3 436 2 150
State lending institutions  209  198  211  200  219  203  220  204  221  205
Finance companies  659  418  760  471  790  503  855  545  990  635
Insurance companies  890 20  911 21  912 22  918 25  907 27

Explanation of symbols