Statistics Norway

Total assets and total lending to the public from financial institutions. 3rd quarter 2009-3rd quarter 2010. NOK billion
  3. qu. 2009 4. qu. 2009 1. qu. 2010 2. qu. 2010 3. qu. 2010
  Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending
Total 6 509 3 150 6 551 3 163 6 700 3 213 7 052 3 285 6 847 3 308
Norges Bank  387 1  376 1  401 1  459 1  435 1
Banks 3 683 2 017 3 698 1 993 3 643 1 920 3 837 1 939 3 654 1 973
State lending institutions  232  217  235  220  241  226  241  227  242  228
Finance companies 1 251  875 1 269  907 1 406 1 022 1 490 1 071 1 482 1 060
Insurance companies  956 40  973 42 1 009 44 1 025 47 1 034 46

Explanation of symbols