Statistics Norway - home page

Financial institutions. 4. quarter 2011
7 Life insurance companies. Key indicators. Million kroner 1
31.12.2010 31.03.2011* 30.06.2011* 30.09.2011* 31.12.2011*
Developement of volume   
Total assets 862 026 894 686 895 933 893 106 907 311
Capital assets   
Investments in subsidiaries . . . . .
Shares and primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities fund . . . . .
Bonds . . . . .
Short-term investments   
Shares and primary capital securities 182 118 184 731 192 110 182 399 173 608
Shares in securities fund 188 897 219 125 218 905 214 129 213 251
Bonds and certificates 393 517 382 738 383 305 396 019 434 698
Loans utilizied 52 994 50 493 48 654 47 035 47 815
Loans utilizied to the public 42 481 40 912 40 218 37 775 37 719
Loans with mortgage on dwelling to the public 11 265 11 096 10 781 10 497 10 236
Loans utilizied in foreign currency 10 102 7 953 8 129 8 177 8 489
Specified provisions on loans . . . . .
Unspecified provisions on loans . . . . .
Deposits from the public . . . . .
Loans: Bonds and certificates 2 898 2 796 2 795 3 045 3 072
Technical provisions in insurance 785 011 803 329 809 128 798 359 819 223
Equity 49 847 51 452 51 616 50 076 55 265
Share- and primary certificate capital 7 080 7 005 7 005 7 085 7 387
Profit and loss account   
Net financial income 31 305 8 867 17 464 24 904 33 975
Net gains on investments . . . . .
Premium income 80 009 27 117 42 770 69 541 85 436
Claims incurred 51 279 16 479 28 660 41 710 54 068
Net change in technical provisions 63 935 13 528 16 000 18 263 37 681
Net losses on loans and guaranties . . . . .
Personnel costs 2 282 653 1 238 1 877 2 489
Proft/loss before tax 4 851 1 467 2 886 700 3 677
Other key indicators   
Number of enterprises 21 21 21 21 21
Claims on foreign debotors 317 279 312 438 325 112 325 490 319 724
Of which: International reserves .. .. .. .. ..
Debts to foreign creditors 6 006 6 062 5 912 6 005 6 266
Guaranties 6 315 5 957 7 272 7 128 6 671
Per cent   
Utilizied loan to the public in percent of totale sharecapital 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.2 4.2
Foreign own share capital i percent of total sharecapital 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.1 3.0
Net financial income in per cent of total assets 3.6 1.0 1.9 2.8 3.7
Profit/loss before tax i per cent of total assets 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4

1Major change in acconting from 2008, all numbers are not comparable
