Statistics Norway

1 Population per 1 July 2011 and population changes during 2nd quarter of 2011. Vestfold.
No. County Municipality Population 1 April 2011. Population changes during 2nd quarter of 2011 Population 1 July 2011
Births Deaths Excess of births In-migration Out-migration Net migration Increase in population
Total From abroad Total Abroad
07 Vestfold  234 163  634  530  104 2 265  644 1 353  175  912 1 016  235 179
0701 Horten 26 080 77 61 16  350 67  308 22 42 58 26 138
0702 Holmestrand 10 126 28 36 -8  193 26  127 5 66 58 10 184
0704 Tønsberg 40 006  125 90 35  835  151  595 43  240  275 40 281
0706 Sandefjord 43 785  114  100 14  628  126  419 45  209  223 44 008
0709 Larvik 42 637  110 86 24  460 82  319 14  141  165 42 802
0711 Svelvik 6 483 16 9 7  118 17 67 2 51 58 6 541
0713 Sande 8 567 18 17 1  150 18  120 3 30 31 8 598
0714 Hof 3 091 6 4 2 35 4 37 1 -2 - 3 091
0716 Re 8 831 24 17 7  153 22  153 3 - 7 8 838
0719 Andebu 5 354 14 6 8  121 13 75 3 46 54 5 408
0720 Stokke 11 168 35 24 11  222 61  187 11 35 46 11 214
0722 Nøtterøy 20 855 51 49 2  374 38  354 20 20 22 20 877
0723 Tjøme 4 766 9 21 -12 93 14 80 2 13 1 4 767
0728 Lardal 2 414 7 10 -3 41 5 20 1 21 18 2 432

Explanation of symbols