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Life and non-life insurance companies, premiums and claims by classes, 2007
2 Non-life insurance companies. Breakdown of premiums and claims by classes. NOK Million
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007*
Earned premiums 32 739 36 432 38 021 41 267 43 170 41 748
Non-life insurance services - private 15 196 17 178 19 072 20 855 21 708 20 720
Fire and other damage to property insurance services 4 990 5 710 6 099 6 344 6 506 6 110
House insurance services 3 260 3 854 3 984 4 268 4 325 3 966
Property insurance services 1 079 1 066 1 131 1 191 1 254 1 126
Cottage insurance services 462 521 579 623 667 634
Other 190 269 405 261 259 384
Motor vehicle insurance services 7 914 8 597 9 967 11 250 11 751 11 171
Motor vehicle insurance services, third party liability 3 701 3 948 4 729 5 298 5 321 4 969
Motor vehicle insurance services, other classes 4 213 4 649 5 238 5 953 6 430 6 202
Boat insurance services 339 395 457 515 566 549
Accident insurance services 847 1 279 1 237 1 234 1 172 1 102
Travel insurance services 991 1 062 1 152 1 337 1 345 1 340
Other - private 116 136 160 175 369 448
Non-life insurance services - industry 11 301 13 002 14 017 16 239 16 997 15 586
Fire and other damage to property insurance services - manufacturing 1 610 2 083 2 194 2 144 2 008 1 957
Fire and other damage to property insurance services - other industry 2 534 2 764 3 153 3 135 3 189 2 902
Motor vehicle insurance 1 879 2 100 1 597 1 755 1 744 1 622
Motor vehicle insurance services, third party liability 779 899 561 674 726 663
Motor vehicle insurance services, other classes 1 100 1 201 1 036 1 081 1 018 959
Liability insurance services 632 1 006 1 132 1 198 1 122 938
Accident insurance services - industry 1 227 1 545 1 735 2 166 2 314 2 174
Accident insurance services - other 1 002 884 1 146 1 389 1 460 1 200
Live stock insurance services 68 90 102 122 111 105
Fish farming industry insurance services 149 192 192 157 152 146
Transport insurance services 499 405 417 1 760 2 209 2 253
Other - industry 1 703 1 933 2 349 2 412 2 688 2 289
Marine insurance services 3 349 3 792 3 415 3 393 3 259 3 226
Hull insurance services 1 066 1 192 449 399 1 104 411
Coastal hull insurance services 325 392 423 462 495 489
Protection and indemnity insurance services 1 586 1 736 1 920 1 916 1 521 1 353
Other marine insurance services 373 472 623 615 139 972
Energy insurance services 1 121 925 -2 -354 149 853
Aviation insurance services 84 52 16 11 9 6
Reinsurance services 264 87 120 137 111 155
Credit insurance services 42 31 59 60 56 67
Other insurance services 1 381 1 364 1 324 927 880 1 135
Claims incurred 25 620 27 278 25 610 28 307 29 453 29 914
Non-life insurance services - privat 11 561 12 439 12 404 13 180 14 748 14 164
Fire and other damage to property insurance services 4 127 4 013 3 379 3 484 3 920 4 195
House insurance services 2 753 2 770 2 152 2 276 2 715 2 767
Property insurance services 805 745 650 683 722 634
Cottage insurance services 332 304 300 338 343 378
Other 237 195 276 187 140 416
Motor vehicle insurance services 5 903 6 214 6 939 7 572 8 567 7 726
Motor vehicle insurance services, third party liability 2 835 3 298 3 544 4 149 4 140 3 505
Motor vehicle insurance services, other classes 3 068 2 916 3 395 3 423 4 427 4 221
Boat insurance services 263 262 245 296 327 352
Accident insurance services 535 1 140 932 831 737 673
Travel insurance services 646 719 818 901 955 932
Other - private 87 91 92 97 243 287
Non-life insurance services - industry 9 854 10 783 10 063 11 529 11 756 11 675
Fire and other damage to property insurance services - manufacturing 1 392 1 265 981 1 151 1 116 1 225
Fire and other damage to property insurance services - other industry 1 889 2 094 1 759 1 486 1 708 1 956
Motor vehicle insurance 1 580 1 635 1 059 1 287 1 433 1 415
Motor vehicle insurance services, third party liability 862 1 036 504 569 910 601
Motor vehicle insurance services, other classes 718 598 555 719 523 813
Liability insurance services 367 1 097 609 775 492 639
Accident insurance services - industry 1 425 1 701 2 173 2 359 2 234 2 360
Accident insurance services - other 1 401 1 380 1 241 1 226 1 043 892
Live stock insurance services 46 86 78 100 84 87
Fish farming industry insurance services 126 99 91 66 132 104
Transport insurance services 357 189 159 1 280 1 818 1 590
Other - industry 1 270 1 236 1 912 1 797 1 696 1 407
Marine insurance services 2 984 3 087 2 343 2 589 2 372 2 919
Hull insurance services 989 957 345 207 910 431
Coastal hull insurance services 400 357 309 393 405 678
Protection and indemnity insurance services 1 185 1 360 1 196 1 462 1 049 924
Other marine insurance services 410 413 492 527 8 886
Energy insurance services 639 527 488 388 -139 542
Aviation insurance services 98 31 11 -16 -2 -8
Reinsurance services 228 53 -10 75 70 169
Credit insurance services 33 10 13 16 18 7
Other insurance services 222 348 298 545 631 445