Statistisk sentralbyrå

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2001
1 Life insurance. Profit and loss account. Million kroner
30.06.2000 30.09.2000* 31.12.2000* 31.03.2001* 30.06.2001*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 18 401 25 817 35 050 15 573 22 893
Gross premiums written 14 292 20 252 28 332 12 108 18 215
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -418 -527 -1 140 -96 -693
- Reinsurers share of investment income -443 -536 -826 -8 -252
Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies 4 969 6 629 8 684 3 570 5 624
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 13 806 19 701 27 309 9 202 15 480
Gross claim payment 9 390 13 945 19 033 5 428 10 587
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -267 -358 -752 -46 -468
Net change in the provision for outstanding claims 49 70 120 18 58
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies 4 634 6 045 8 907 3 802 5 303
Net change in technical provisions 20 820 28 966 33 404 9 135 14 821
Premiumreserve 9 040 13 908 19 173 8 143 11 443
Not allocated technical provisions 8 477 11 166 4 774 895 1 689
Other technical provisions 3 303 3 892 9 457 96 1 689
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 7 351 10 735 14 193 3 885 8 804
Interest income 6 704 10 124 13 832 3 990 8 255
Bonds and certificates 5 326 7 981 10 677 2 910 6 021
Other assets 1 378 2 143 3 155 1 081 2 234
Interest charges 702 1 154 1 752 427 862
Share dividend etc. 1 349 1 765 2 113 322 1 411
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets 2 957 6 260 -4 716 -11 622 -10 019
Gains (+)/losses (-) 10 600 14 839 14 402 2 062 1 520
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 11 341 15 855 14 260 -529 -2 045
Bonds and certificates -1 176 -1 488 -1 248 804 525
Currency and financial derivatives 361 396 1 214 1 758 2 947
Land and buildings 75 76 177 29 94
Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-) -7 644 -8 580 -19 123 -13 648 -11 537
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates -9 376 -9 458 -23 952 -10 722 -8 427
Bonds and certificates 4 334 5 658 11 501 -417 370
Currency and financial derivatives -2 678 -4 864 -7 225 -2 538 -3 533
Land and buildings 75 84 553 30 54
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) 0 1 5 -37 -3
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -489 -811 -1 054 1 262 807
Personnel costs 641 949 1 442 355 699
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -164 -200 -286 -107 -437
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 1 067 1 608 2 147 729 1 301
Depreciations of non-financial assets 46 74 111 29 59
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets . . . . .
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -704 -1 196 -1 362 1 023 702
To/from revaluation reserve -7 665 -8 755 -19 256 -7 296 -6 725
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 1 259 2 089 2 017 -1 943 -1 091
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) -42 -42 -42 0 0
Tax 184 323 229 8 66
Profit/loss 1 033 1 724 1 746 -1 951 -1 157
Balance on the technical account for life insurance 1 487 2 434 2 136 -1 908 -1 035