Statistisk sentralbyrå

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2001
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. Million kroner
30.06.2000 30.09.2000* 31.12.2000* 31.03.2001* 30.06.2001*
Intangible assets 570 576 595 808 785
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 558 566 585 621 605
Other intangible assets 12 11 10 187 181
Tangible fixed assets 29 464 29 602 29 791 29 890 30 266
Land and buildings 29 146 29 184 29 321 29 488 29 839
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 318 418 470 402 427
Capital assets 65 717 69 545 74 011 76 422 78 444
Investments in subsiduaries 6 358 6 916 7 006 7 587 7 672
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 405 448 479 479 367
Shares 391 95 146 111 94
Primary capital sertificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds . . . . 13
Bonds 58 168 61 694 65 976 68 022 70 208
Other capital assets 395 392 404 222 90
Short-term investments 240 477 244 537 233 817 240 757 246 608
Shares 106 997 107 892 99 027 91 425 88 102
Primary capital sertificates 110 144 159 290 241
Shares i securities funds 22 137 22 796 24 400 23 533 25 338
Bonds 99 760 99 051 95 159 107 726 110 472
Certificates 10 714 14 515 14 152 16 902 21 948
Financial derivatives 505 161 305 659 430
Other short-term investments 254 -22 617 222 76
Loans utilizied 24 777 24 413 23 915 25 693 25 443
Gross loans 24 793 24 426 23 929 25 706 25 455
Specified provisions on loans -16 -13 -13 -13 -12
Unspecified provisions on loans -12 -11 -11 -15 -15
Other claims 9 121 9 331 9 533 11 906 12 484
Earned not yet paid revenues 4 476 4 975 4 443 4 984 4 925
Prepaid expenses 176 174 187 257 352
Insurance claims 2 636 2 702 2 530 5 332 5 123
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 1 832 1 480 2 373 1 332 2 084
Cash and bank deposits 8 978 7 828 9 841 13 800 11 425
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial banks 6 047 5 244 5 446 9 006 8 123
Saving banks 657 605 965 1 843 1 263
Foreign banks 2 274 1 979 3 430 2 950 2 039
Total assets 379 092 385 821 381 493 399 262 405 441
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 14 305 14 891 14 315 13 566 14 490
Deposit capital 4 692 4 770 5 072 8 417 8 527
Share capital 3 127 3 207 3 343 4 013 4 055
Primary capital 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500
Share premiumreserve 64 63 209 540 553
Other deposit capital . . 19 2 363 2 419
Retained earnings 9 613 10 120 9 243 5 149 5 963
Other equity 8 582 8 582 9 100 7 093 7 160
Not allocated profit 1 032 1 539 143 -1 944 -1 197
Subordinated liabilities 8 185 8 385 8 305 8 220 8 758
Bonds 5 797 5 896 5 866 5 758 6 060
Other subordinated loans 2 388 2 489 2 438 2 463 2 699
Revaluation reserve 19 437 17 394 7 847 752 987
Technical provisions 324 618 331 957 337 540 362 893 366 724
Life assurance provision 314 221 320 284 323 420 348 914 351 522
Premium reserve 273 866 277 674 287 221 315 146 316 613
Additional provisions 13 454 13 412 14 309 14 056 13 928
Premium provision 16 916 16 156 20 029 17 444 17 729
Pension provisions 404 393 358 329 346
Net provision for outstanding claims 877 1 066 996 885 1 076
Not allocated technical provision 8 566 11 434 345 895 1 632
Net other technical provisions 139 149 162 160 198
Equalization provision 2 098 2 099 2 196 2 288 2 334
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 8 299 9 573 11 924 11 691 12 868
Provisions for other charges 371 458 419 500 476
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 154 241 174 242 264
Other provisions for charges 217 218 245 258 213
Other liabilities 12 175 12 735 13 067 13 330 14 005
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 183 151 237 269 255
Deffered income 228 265 201 1 160 876
Payable tax 93 143 126 133 168
Dividend . . 589 72 72
Insurance liabilities 1 311 1 259 2 332 2 061 1 612
Deposits from reassurance companies 7 932 8 016 7 621 7 613 9 229
Other liabilities 2 428 2 903 1 961 2 023 1 794
Total liabilities 379 092 385 821 381 493 399 262 405 441
Number of companies 15 16 16 16 16
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 12 022 11 678 10 765 12 033 11 798