Statistisk sentralbyrå

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2001
3 Life insurance companies. Ivestments in subsiduaries and other shares, participations
and primary capital certificates by setctor. Million kroner
Sector 30.06.2000 30.09.2000* 31.12.2000* 31.03.2001* 30.06.2001*
Total 135 993 137 843 130 736 122 947 121 461
General government . . . . .
Central government . . . . .
County municipalities . . . . .
Municipalities . . . . .
Financial enterprises 14 811 15 985 14 785 15 612 15 478
State lending institutions . . . . .
Commercial banks 1 085 1 080 342 619 768
Saving banks 110 144 159 290 241
Mortgage companies 144 147 148 163 153
Finance companies . . . . .
Units trust(UK)/Mutual funds (US) 11 751 12 963 12 560 13 575 13 591
Other financial enterprises 1 575 1 441 1 325 761 564
Life insurance companies etc. 33 67 72 72 72
Non-life insurance companies 58 71 106 59 27
Financial auxiliaries 54 72 75 73 61
Non-financial enterprises 38 319 38 691 34 952 33 601 32 880
Central government enterprises . . . . .
Other state enterprises 4 319 4 293 4 289 4 507 4 196
Municipal enterprises . . . . .
Private incorporated companies 34 000 34 398 30 663 29 094 28 684
Private non-profit institutions . . . . .
Houshold etc. . 0 5 5 5
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.) . . . . .
Private non-profit institutions serving households . . . . .
Uincorporated private enterprises . . . . .
Households of employees . . . . .
Unspecified sector . 0 5 5 5
Rest of the world 82 864 83 166 80 994 73 729 73 098