Statistisk sentralbyrå

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2001
7 Non-life insurance. Profit and loss account. Million kroner
30.06.2000 30.09.2000* 31.12.2000* 31.03.2001* 30.06.2001*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 12 666 19 012 26 196 7 019 14 625
Gross premiums written 22 057 28 843 36 465 13 463 22 234
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -6 527 -7 862 -9 119 -2 533 -3 918
Gross change in the provisions for unearned premiums -2 960 -699 1 342 -3 635 -3 196
- Reinsurers share of the gross change in the provision for outstanding claims 96 -1 269 -2 491 -276 -495
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 10 828 16 054 23 349 5 984 12 083
Gross claim payment 16 920 25 131 31 934 7 164 14 061
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -6 199 -9 402 -9 525 -1 426 -3 065
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims -1 535 -2 223 827 484 369
Reinsurers share of the gross change in the provision for outstanding claims 1 642 2 548 113 -238 718
Bonuses and rebates 1 1 -9 0 -7
Net change in technical provisions 384 854 -63 281 1 194
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -3 274 -4 778 -6 872 -1 990 -3 926
Personnel costs 1 943 2 813 3 936 941 1 824
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -170 -154 -384 -197 -421
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 133 181 220 63 121
Depreciations of non-financial assets 169 235 348 124 252
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets . . . . 0
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -1 124 -1 757 -2 424 -791 -1 550
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 1 370 2 792 3 675 599 1 463
Interest income 1 284 2 637 3 572 772 1 481
Interest charges 79 107 186 40 56
Share dividend etc. 165 261 289 -133 37
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets 777 1 358 414 -960 -446
Gains (+)/losses (-) 2 025 2 820 2 942 396 645
Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-) -1 246 -1 461 -2 528 -1 356 -1 091
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) -1 0 0 0 0
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 327 1 474 135 -1 597 -1 554
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) 1 48 1 1 -2
Tax 139 78 83 -177 -287
Profit/loss 189 1 444 53 -1 418 -1 270
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance -704 -1 054 -1 467 91 42