Statistics Norway
Life and non-life insurance companies, 4. quarter 2001
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. Million kroner
31.12.2000 31.03.2001* 30.06.2001* 30.09.2001* 31.12.2001*
Intangible assets 5 965 6 676 6 689 6 720 7 009
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 386 928 1 046 1 160 1 499
Other intangible assets 5 579 5 748 5 643 5 560 5 510
Tangible fixed assets 4 306 4 314 4 346 4 379 4 999
Land and buildings 3 605 3 659 3 688 3 701 4 305
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 702 655 658 678 695
Capital assets 21 835 21 199 22 393 21 485 22 669
Investments in subsiduaries 6 326 6 286 6 749 6 079 6 539
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 67 65 65 63 1
Shares 251 178 186 180 204
Primary capital sertificates 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500
Shares in securities funds 87 95 89 34 58
Bonds 2 325 2 312 2 283 2 301 2 337
Other capital assets 11 279 10 763 11 521 11 327 12 030
Short-term investments 44 137 42 275 42 348 41 035 42 210
Shares 9 350 8 266 10 109 7 840 9 489
Primary capital sertificates 150 147 151 135 143
Shares in securities funds 4 984 5 012 5 236 4 928 4 550
Bonds 25 149 24 695 22 599 23 404 23 749
Certificates 4 299 4 066 4 076 4 584 3 912
Financial derivatives 95 30 68 32 331
Other short-term investments 110 59 109 112 35
Loans utilizied 1 751 1 741 1 758 1 332 1 082
Gross loans 1 763 1 752 1 769 1 343 1 093
Specified provisions on loans -12 -11 -11 -11 -10
Unspecified provisions on loans -7 -7 -7 -7 -5
Other claims 11 379 13 960 16 394 13 375 16 008
Earned not yet paid revenues 1 044 1 087 606 949 896
Prepaid expenses 749 666 742 662 739
Insurance claims 7 098 10 509 11 614 9 060 8 037
Other claims 2 488 1 698 3 432 2 704 6 337
Cash and bank deposits 6 136 6 107 6 126 5 761 6 454
The Central Bank of Norway 2 1 1 1 1
Commercial banks 4 087 3 038 2 505 2 837 4 307
Saving banks 1 085 1 345 1 436 1 378 1 266
Foreign banks 963 1 722 2 184 1 545 879
Total assets 95 501 96 265 100 048 94 079 100 427
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 20 504 19 090 19 360 17 311 19 663
Deposit capital 4 721 4 771 4 663 4 709 5 640
Share capital 4 084 4 105 4 013 4 058 4 279
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 592 611 594 588 1 303
Other deposit capital 45 56 56 63 59
Retained earnings 15 783 14 318 14 697 12 602 14 022
Revaluation reserve 165 170 212 35 126
Other equity 16 530 15 537 15 746 15 800 15 160
Not allocated profit -913 -1 389 -1 261 -3 233 -1 264
Subordinated liabilities 8 8 8 33 33
Bonds . . . . .
Other subordinated loans 8 8 8 33 33
Technical provisions 64 388 69 272 71 161 68 800 72 526
Net provision for unearned premium 11 171 15 211 15 031 13 555 12 685
Net provision for outstanding claims 32 032 32 327 33 521 33 657 38 073
Provision for bonuses and rebates 28 24 23 22 29
Equalization provision 21 140 21 688 22 566 21 546 21 721
Provision for not discharges risk 30 24 35 31 65
Equalization provision 14 201 14 655 15 158 13 984 13 910
Reinsurance provision 1 141 1 079 1 125 1 121 1 145
Administrative provision 1 436 1 453 1 510 1 550 1 590
Naturedamage provision 3 359 3 495 3 748 3 853 4 057
Guarantee provision 972 982 989 1 007 954
Net other technical provisions 18 22 21 20 18
Provisions for other charges 1 072 1 052 996 1 027 754
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 530 494 477 473 271
Other provisions for charges 542 558 519 553 483
Other liabilities 9 528 6 843 8 522 6 908 7 451
Loans 106 . 40 . .
Expences accrued 693 587 627 776 1 080
Deffered income 15 10 9 38 15
Payable tax 314 296 248 245 316
Dividend 768 464 9 5 203
Insurance liabilities 1 953 1 948 2 635 2 082 2 001
Other liabilities 5 679 3 539 4 954 3 763 3 836
Total liabilities 95 501 96 265 100 048 94 079 100 427
Number of companies 96 100 100 100 100
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 602 586 589 571 392