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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2002
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. Million kroner
30.06.2001 30.09.2001* 31.12.2001* 31.03.2002* 30.06.2002*
Intangible assets 785 989 973 982 1 347
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 605 815 809 823 1 192
Other intangible assets 181 174 165 159 155
Tangible fixed assets 30 266 32 587 33 772 34 990 34 783
Land and buildings 29 839 32 105 33 258 34 471 34 257
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 427 483 514 519 526
Capital assets 78 444 79 388 81 457 84 031 89 411
Investments in subsiduaries 7 672 7 923 8 328 8 080 8 094
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 367 367 350 . .
Shares 94 96 106 191 191
Primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 13 13 14 15 38
Bonds 70 208 70 898 72 593 75 652 81 012
Other capital assets 90 90 67 94 76
Short-term investments 246 608 228 638 240 357 245 570 227 476
Shares 88 102 60 236 68 007 69 644 44 745
Primary capital certificates 241 177 160 111 39
Shares in securities funds 25 338 25 541 28 135 29 251 30 463
Bonds 110 472 112 790 112 373 110 741 112 702
Certificates 21 948 28 804 30 888 34 836 36 037
Financial derivatives 430 1 128 692 915 3 437
Other short-term investments 76 -40 103 72 53
Loans utilizied 25 443 25 372 25 417 23 752 23 870
Gross loans 25 455 25 383 25 431 23 766 23 882
Specified provisions on loans -12 -11 -14 -14 -12
Unspecified provisions on loans -15 -15 -15 -15 -15
Other claims 12 484 18 852 17 272 17 033 14 276
Earned not yet paid revenues 4 925 6 075 5 751 5 646 5 372
Prepaid expenses 352 441 533 467 576
Insurance claims 5 123 7 234 4 825 6 535 5 212
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 2 084 5 102 6 164 4 384 3 116
Cash and bank deposits 11 425 11 167 13 467 16 315 28 127
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial banks 8 123 8 317 10 616 13 366 23 146
Saving banks 1 263 203 285 333 3 845
Foreign banks 2 039 2 647 2 566 2 615 1 137
Total assets 405 441 396 978 412 701 422 659 419 275
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 14 490 6 419 16 144 16 293 9 290
Deposit capital 8 536 8 525 8 761 8 590 8 611
Share capital 4 055 4 060 4 018 4 116 4 120
Primary capital 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500
Share premiumreserve 555 586 920 712 728
Other deposit capital 2 425 2 379 2 323 2 262 2 263
Retained earnings 5 954 -2 106 7 383 7 703 679
Other equity 7 160 6 963 7 539 7 501 7 500
Not allocated profit -1 206 -9 069 -156 202 -6 821
Subordinated liabilities 8 758 8 601 9 281 8 627 8 938
Bonds 6 060 5 982 5 671 5 420 5 338
Other subordinated loans 2 699 2 619 3 611 3 207 3 600
Revaluation reserve 987 . 1 217 1 206 .
Technical provisions 366 724 367 383 371 936 380 558 380 679
Life assurance provision 351 522 353 675 356 440 364 497 365 818
Premium reserve 316 613 321 659 327 156 335 672 338 182
Additional provisions 13 928 13 909 10 963 10 882 10 709
Premium provision 17 729 16 294 16 549 15 742 14 998
Pension provisions 346 338 279 232 245
Net provision for outstanding claims 1 076 1 254 1 281 1 330 1 388
Not allocated technical provision 1 632 12 . 370 .
Net other technical provisions 198 210 212 270 296
Equalization provision 2 334 854 584 582 586
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 12 868 12 855 14 912 15 479 14 275
Provisions for other charges 476 346 504 494 475
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 264 135 267 277 251
Other provisions for charges 213 211 236 218 224
Other liabilities 14 005 14 230 13 619 15 481 19 893
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 255 248 257 321 311
Deffered income 876 806 319 364 362
Payable tax 168 47 70 79 46
Dividend 72 . . . .
Insurance liabilities 1 612 1 370 1 242 1 206 1 503
Deposits from reassurance companies 9 229 9 430 9 640 9 118 9 244
Other liabilities 1 794 2 328 2 091 4 392 8 427
Total liabilities 405 441 396 978 412 701 422 659 419 275
Number of companies 16 16 16 16 16
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 11 798 11 578 11 604 11 555 11 505