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Life and non-life insurance companies, 1. quarter 2003
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.03.2002 30.06.2002* 30.09.2002* 31.12.2002* 31.03.2003*
Intangible assets 982 1 378 1 738 1 133 1 097
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 823 1 222 1 586 726 690
Other intangible assets 159 155 152 406 407
Tangible fixed assets 34 996 34 790 35 173 34 948 36 450
Land and buildings 34 471 34 257 34 634 34 613 36 113
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 526 533 539 335 337
Capital assets 83 989 89 242 116 274 133 279 150 890
Investments in subsiduaries 8 045 8 094 8 386 8 327 8 288
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships . . . 0 0
Shares 191 191 195 201 215
Primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 14 14 16 16 16
Bonds 75 652 80 874 107 608 124 673 142 301
Other capital assets 87 69 70 62 70
Short-term investments 245 607 228 035 210 706 199 377 193 156
Shares 69 679 44 745 28 551 24 628 23 986
Primary capital certificates 111 39 1 33 22
Shares in securities funds 29 252 30 488 28 335 29 760 31 848
Bonds 110 741 113 987 110 630 92 983 88 211
Certificates 34 836 36 037 40 881 50 421 48 570
Financial derivatives 915 2 687 2 156 1 175 95
Other short-term investments 72 53 151 376 425
Loans utilizied 23 752 24 620 23 881 23 779 24 507
Gross loans 23 761 24 632 23 887 23 785 24 517
Specified provisions on loans -8 -12 -6 -6 -9
Unspecified provisions on loans -15 -15 -15 -14 -12
Other claims 17 045 14 282 17 698 16 635 17 992
Earned not yet paid revenues 5 646 5 372 6 290 6 366 7 589
Prepaid expenses 467 576 539 1 303 528
Insurance claims 6 535 5 212 5 275 5 275 7 221
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 4 396 3 121 5 593 3 690 2 653
Cash and bank deposits 16 315 26 875 14 956 21 163 16 066
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial banks 13 366 21 894 13 379 18 188 13 679
Saving banks 333 3 845 451 1 060 2 360
Foreign banks 2 615 1 137 1 126 1 915 27
Total assets 422 671 419 206 420 411 430 300 440 146
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 16 286 9 275 6 357 15 931 16 659
Deposit capital 8 591 8 611 8 788 9 010 8 794
Share capital 4 116 4 120 5 733 5 733 5 783
Primary capital 1 500 1 500 . . .
Share premiumreserve 712 728 775 497 786
Other deposit capital 2 263 2 263 2 280 2 780 2 225
Retained earnings 7 695 664 -2 432 6 921 7 865
Other equity 7 500 7 498 7 469 7 335 7 134
Not allocated profit 195 -6 834 -9 901 -415 731
Subordinated liabilities 8 627 8 938 8 948 8 489 8 589
Bonds 5 205 5 513 5 465 5 134 5 247
Other subordinated loans 3 422 3 425 3 483 3 355 3 342
Revaluation reserve 1 206 . . 192 258
Technical provisions 380 558 380 679 388 720 388 815 396 787
Life assurance provision 364 497 365 818 374 683 373 226 380 236
Premium reserve 335 672 338 182 348 513 352 810 360 452
Additional provisions 10 882 10 709 10 647 5 418 5 386
Premium provision 15 742 14 998 13 646 12 959 11 791
Pension provisions 232 245 208 193 166
Net provision for outstanding claims 1 330 1 388 1 349 1 510 1 542
Not allocated technical provision 370 . . . 401
Net other technical provisions 270 296 319 336 498
Equalization provision 582 586 586 525 534
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 15 479 14 275 13 451 15 063 16 018
Provisions for other charges 494 475 492 216 215
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 277 251 251 . .
Other provisions for charges 218 224 241 216 215
Other liabilities 15 499 19 839 15 895 16 657 17 637
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 321 311 328 303 390
Deffered income 364 362 282 202 231
Payable tax 79 46 -41 232 205
Dividend . . . . .
Insurance liabilities 1 206 1 503 1 245 1 243 1 344
Deposits from reassurance companies 9 118 9 244 9 895 9 997 9 800
Other liabilities 4 411 8 372 4 185 4 680 5 667
Total liabilities 422 671 419 206 420 411 430 300 440 146
Number of companies 22 22 21 21 20
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 11 555 11 505 11 475 11 526 11 881