Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 1. quarter 2003
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.03.2002 30.06.2002* 30.09.2002* 31.12.2002* 31.03.2003*
Intangible assets 7 119 6 942 6 838 7 038 7 217
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 1 711 1 668 1 670 1 815 2 064
Other intangible assets 5 408 5 273 5 168 5 224 5 153
Tangible fixed assets 5 049 5 141 5 198 5 220 5 155
Land and buildings 4 301 4 322 4 281 4 359 4 342
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 748 820 917 861 813
Capital assets 23 037 24 928 24 520 21 749 8 059
Investments in subsiduaries 6 764 6 371 7 569 4 191 4 300
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 1 1 1 2 2
Shares 183 190 191 168 175
Primary capital certificates 1 500 1 500 . . .
Shares in securities funds 8 3 4 4 47
Bonds 2 411 4 739 4 731 5 359 3 510
Other capital assets 12 170 12 123 12 024 12 024 24
Short-term investments 46 503 39 587 40 055 39 178 43 991
Shares 8 283 4 176 3 916 3 724 4 810
Primary capital certificates 146 203 182 153 152
Shares in securities funds 4 123 3 426 3 166 2 523 2 300
Bonds 24 286 25 274 25 581 23 531 24 128
Certificates 5 429 6 052 6 917 8 809 11 648
Financial derivatives 472 405 227 396 910
Other short-term investments 3 763 50 65 41 44
Loans utilizied 998 1 175 1 013 1 130 1 302
Gross loans 1 008 1 184 1 022 1 140 1 310
Specified provisions on loans -10 -9 -9 -9 -8
Unspecified provisions on loans -4 -4 -3 -4 -4
Other claims 16 929 17 259 17 148 15 823 31 384
Earned not yet paid revenues 934 860 982 837 958
Prepaid expenses 792 994 1 022 1 011 1 031
Insurance claims 11 830 10 836 8 928 8 422 11 479
Other claims 3 372 4 569 6 216 5 553 17 915
Cash and bank deposits 7 454 7 539 7 285 7 861 7 843
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 1 1 9
Commercial banks 4 904 5 003 5 348 5 496 5 209
Saving banks 1 673 1 343 1 028 1 247 1 761
Foreign banks 876 1 192 908 1 117 865
Total assets 107 084 102 565 102 053 97 995 104 947
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 19 796 17 950 16 897 15 622 11 403
Deposit capital 5 791 6 392 5 672 3 496 3 461
Share capital 4 353 4 653 4 510 2 553 2 604
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 1 389 1 689 935 673 635
Other deposit capital 50 50 228 270 222
Retained earnings 14 004 11 558 11 224 12 126 7 941
Revaluation reserve 104 16 57 0 0
Other equity 14 111 13 170 12 402 12 662 7 948
Not allocated profit -211 -1 628 -1 234 -536 -8
Subordinated liabilities 128 128 221 223 221
Bonds . . . . .
Other subordinated loans 128 128 221 223 221
Technical provisions 78 746 74 268 74 206 73 746 78 194
Net provision for unearned premium 17 706 16 394 14 939 13 498 18 306
Net provision for outstanding claims 38 373 35 059 36 370 37 212 36 338
Provision for bonuses and rebates 44 52 57 28 32
Equalization provision 22 600 22 745 22 700 22 874 23 379
Provision for not discharges risk 68 71 57 33 53
Equalization provision 14 626 14 458 14 178 13 984 14 299
Reinsurance provision 1 131 1 190 1 183 1 184 1 197
Administrative provision 1 614 1 638 1 648 1 718 1 702
Naturedamage provision 4 194 4 411 4 637 5 005 5 171
Guarantee provision 968 977 998 949 957
Net other technical provisions 23 17 141 134 138
Provisions for other charges 781 776 407 429 570
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 251 261 161 -68 67
Other provisions for charges 530 515 246 498 503
Other liabilities 7 633 9 444 10 322 7 975 14 560
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 1 067 1 198 1 299 1 005 1 033
Deffered income 17 27 32 18 19
Payable tax 95 94 66 108 140
Dividend 1 247 1 068 1 068 270 182
Insurance liabilities 2 246 2 255 2 020 2 586 2 722
Other liabilities 2 962 4 802 5 837 3 989 10 463
Total liabilities 107 084 102 565 102 053 97 995 104 947
Number of companies 104 104 104 104 105
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 299 317 296 294 309