Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 1. quarter 2004
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.03.2003 30.06.2003* 30.09.2003* 31.12.2003* 31.03.2004*
Intangible assets 7 204 6 969 6 842 6 680 6 183
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 2 050 1 899 1 868 1 782 1 339
Other intangible assets 5 153 5 070 4 975 4 897 4 844
Tangible fixed assets 5 156 5 122 4 999 4 451 4 337
Land and buildings 4 342 4 344 4 319 3 876 3 808
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 814 778 680 576 530
Capital assets 8 138 8 211 7 905 7 670 8 170
Investments in subsiduaries 4 380 4 352 4 386 1 723 2 031
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 2 23 23 26 26
Shares 175 179 194 2 507 2 524
Primary capital certificates . . . 25 25
Shares in securities funds 45 52 57 44 1
Bonds 3 513 3 505 3 131 3 131 3 542
Other capital assets 24 100 115 214 20
Short-term investments 43 903 47 577 48 775 49 234 52 032
Shares 4 610 5 273 5 790 6 532 6 807
Primary capital certificates 146 175 129 33 22
Shares in securities funds 2 395 2 652 2 885 3 470 4 345
Bonds 24 165 25 939 24 201 25 036 28 402
Certificates 11 634 13 281 14 874 13 537 12 077
Financial derivatives 910 204 847 562 291
Other short-term investments 44 54 49 64 87
Loans utilizied 1 302 1 407 1 437 1 491 1 511
Gross loans 1 310 1 415 1 445 1 496 1 515
Specified provisions on loans -8 -8 -8 -5 -4
Unspecified provisions on loans -4 -4 -4 -5 -5
Other claims 31 585 32 946 32 077 29 622 36 354
Earned not yet paid revenues 949 979 1 244 678 838
Prepaid expenses 1 033 1 271 1 177 1 151 1 212
Insurance claims 11 698 11 482 10 326 8 795 11 937
Other claims 17 906 19 214 19 330 18 998 22 366
Cash and bank deposits 7 835 7 220 6 722 7 583 7 095
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 1 1 1
Commercial banks 5 208 4 558 4 157 3 907 3 288
Saving banks 1 761 1 018 1 150 2 681 3 030
Foreign banks 865 1 643 1 414 994 776
Total assets 105 119 109 448 108 754 106 727 115 677
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 11 378 12 836 14 006 15 543 20 375
Deposit capital 3 465 3 399 3 345 3 230 3 381
Share capital 2 604 2 547 2 474 2 375 2 426
Primary capital . . 3 28 28
Share premiumreserve 638 622 622 564 611
Other deposit capital 222 230 246 264 317
Retained earnings 7 913 9 437 10 661 12 312 16 994
Revaluation reserve 0 17 37 75 92
Other equity 7 962 7 954 8 107 8 190 15 878
Not allocated profit -50 1 466 2 516 4 047 1 024
Subordinated liabilities 298 298 309 284 285
Bonds 77 77 77 77 78
Other subordinated loans 221 221 232 207 207
Technical provisions 78 283 79 995 79 322 77 962 82 528
Net provision for unearned premium 18 386 18 246 16 427 14 735 19 352
Net provision for outstanding claims 36 338 36 937 37 596 38 231 37 238
Provision for bonuses and rebates 32 36 42 35 35
Equalization provision 23 388 24 642 25 235 24 943 25 882
Provision for not discharges risk 62 44 34 29 28
Equalization provision 14 307 14 914 15 204 14 512 15 128
Reinsurance provision 1 195 1 409 1 384 1 464 1 447
Administrative provision 1 697 1 788 1 830 1 860 1 913
Naturedamage provision 5 171 5 501 5 775 6 013 6 287
Guarantee provision 957 986 1 008 1 065 1 080
Net other technical provisions 138 133 21 18 20
Provisions for other charges 571 586 635 815 956
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 67 89 151 90 211
Other provisions for charges 504 497 484 725 745
Other liabilities 14 590 15 733 14 482 12 123 11 534
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 1 034 1 128 1 117 962 976
Deffered income 19 214 4 12 10
Payable tax 140 106 120 32 73
Dividend 182 2 2 1 322 1 332
Insurance liabilities 2 808 2 930 3 424 2 421 3 267
Other liabilities 10 407 11 353 9 815 7 375 5 875
Total liabilities 105 119 109 448 108 754 106 727 115 677
Number of companies 105 104 104 93 93
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 310 305 297 292 298