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Life and non-life insurance companies, 2. quarter 2004
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.06.2003 30.09.2003* 31.12.2003* 31.03.2004* 30.06.2004*
Intangible assets 991 914 1 017 704 671
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 690 629 518 247 222
Other intangible assets 302 285 499 458 449
Tangible fixed assets 36 384 36 481 36 076 36 621 36 292
Land and buildings 36 026 36 109 35 910 36 434 36 118
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 358 373 166 187 174
Capital assets 166 300 172 629 176 300 184 223 185 966
Investments in subsiduaries 8 433 8 487 8 649 8 668 8 686
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 0 0 0 . .
Shares 247 948 1 442 1 541 1 933
Primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 16 17 17 15 337
Bonds 157 489 163 177 166 182 173 990 175 002
Other capital assets 116 1 9 9 8
Short-term investments 192 505 196 045 208 932 219 367 227 740
Shares 30 037 35 560 45 375 53 160 54 267
Primary capital certificates 1 1 . . .
Shares in securities funds 36 949 36 408 42 422 46 442 46 153
Bonds 86 616 85 533 82 653 95 790 102 580
Certificates 38 670 37 096 36 957 22 615 25 286
Financial derivatives 43 1 383 1 446 1 329 993
Other short-term investments 188 63 79 30 -1 539
Loans utilizied 24 325 24 291 21 304 20 974 20 422
Gross loans 24 331 24 297 21 306 20 979 20 426
Specified provisions on loans -6 -6 -2 -5 -5
Unspecified provisions on loans -12 -12 -9 -8 -10
Other claims 17 136 16 966 15 112 16 034 16 543
Earned not yet paid revenues 7 148 7 769 7 242 7 878 7 015
Prepaid expenses 505 518 656 565 600
Insurance claims 7 742 5 948 4 395 5 610 4 979
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 1 741 2 730 2 819 1 982 3 949
Cash and bank deposits 15 204 13 998 21 557 21 252 20 000
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial banks 14 146 12 994 14 789 17 357 16 494
Saving banks 282 214 3 314 1 317 253
Foreign banks 776 790 3 453 2 577 3 252
Total assets 452 834 461 313 480 289 499 166 507 624
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 19 315 17 508 16 767 18 254 19 922
Deposit capital 8 808 8 909 8 939 8 990 9 926
Share capital 5 786 5 793 5 797 5 802 5 858
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 798 820 844 864 1 745
Other deposit capital 2 225 2 295 2 299 2 324 2 324
Retained earnings 10 507 8 600 7 828 9 265 9 996
Other equity 7 134 7 100 7 793 7 912 7 776
Not allocated profit 3 373 1 500 35 1 353 2 220
Subordinated liabilities 8 749 8 718 8 543 8 691 9 906
Bonds 5 216 5 220 5 485 5 615 6 827
Other subordinated loans 3 532 3 498 3 058 3 076 3 079
Revaluation reserve 4 350 5 111 6 937 9 736 7 080
Technical provisions 404 496 412 964 429 708 443 599 451 935
Life assurance provision 385 981 394 111 409 059 420 919 428 897
Premium reserve 364 360 370 035 384 512 395 539 400 394
Additional provisions 5 437 5 374 9 630 8 946 8 841
Premium provision 11 581 10 679 12 137 12 111 12 473
Pension provisions 153 136 168 121 354
Net provision for outstanding claims 1 562 1 748 1 895 1 962 2 023
Not allocated technical provision 2 370 5 520 79 1 447 3 906
Net other technical provisions 520 618 638 793 906
Equalization provision 540 544 571 595 597
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 17 975 18 309 20 078 22 085 22 440
Provisions for other charges 215 216 722 1 031 1 079
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax . -0 500 756 859
Other provisions for charges 215 216 222 275 220
Other liabilities 15 709 16 796 17 611 17 855 17 703
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 380 274 277 400 274
Deffered income 233 301 575 163 170
Payable tax 126 126 29 66 55
Dividend . . 334 . .
Insurance liabilities 1 937 1 502 2 580 1 955 2 824
Deposits from reassurance companies 9 288 9 353 9 986 9 983 9 988
Other liabilities 3 744 5 241 3 829 5 287 4 393
Total liabilities 452 834 461 313 480 289 499 166 507 624
Number of companies 20 20 20 20 20
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 11 772 11 739 9 614 9 673 9 622