Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 4. quarter 2004
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.12.2003 31.03.2004* 30.06.2004* 30.09.2004* 31.12.2004*
Intangible assets 6 680 6 184 6 147 5 899 5 485
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 1 782 1 340 1 395 1 249 756
Other intangible assets 4 897 4 844 4 752 4 650 4 729
Tangible fixed assets 4 451 4 337 4 342 4 500 4 420
Land and buildings 3 876 3 808 3 810 3 990 3 950
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 576 530 531 510 470
Capital assets 7 683 8 177 8 363 8 425 10 204
Investments in subsiduaries 1 730 2 031 2 043 1 965 1 877
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 26 26 24 25 24
Shares 2 507 2 524 2 477 2 497 2 495
Primary capital certificates 25 25 25 25 .
Shares in securities funds 49 6 6 6 1
Bonds 3 132 3 543 3 776 3 904 5 807
Other capital assets 214 20 11 4 0
Short-term investments 49 221 52 026 53 745 57 228 57 606
Shares 6 525 6 807 7 181 7 370 4 928
Primary capital certificates 33 22 27 34 29
Shares in securities funds 3 465 4 340 4 733 5 348 6 423
Bonds 25 035 28 411 27 704 28 840 26 014
Certificates 13 537 12 077 13 799 15 241 19 829
Financial derivatives 562 291 199 293 331
Other short-term investments 64 77 103 101 52
Loans utilizied 1 491 1 511 1 494 1 539 1 635
Gross loans 1 496 1 515 1 499 1 544 1 639
Specified provisions on loans -5 -4 -5 -5 -4
Unspecified provisions on loans -5 -5 -5 -5 -10
Other claims 29 622 36 496 32 675 29 353 31 044
Earned not yet paid revenues 678 838 848 1 237 577
Prepaid expenses 1 151 1 212 1 655 1 268 1 107
Insurance claims 8 795 11 937 11 644 9 606 8 244
Other claims 18 998 22 509 18 527 17 241 21 116
Cash and bank deposits 7 583 7 095 8 179 5 854 5 856
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 1 1 1
Banks 6 328 6 317 6 926 4 904 5 155
Foreign banks 1 255 777 1 252 950 700
Total assets 106 727 115 821 114 939 112 792 116 240
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 15 543 20 375 21 499 22 929 23 032
Deposit capital 3 230 3 381 3 689 3 692 5 441
Share capital 2 375 2 426 2 466 2 471 2 471
Primary capital 28 28 29 29 4
Share premiumreserve 564 585 610 610 610
Other deposit capital 264 342 584 582 2 356
Retained earnings 12 312 16 994 17 810 19 236 17 591
Revaluation reserve 75 92 119 135 74
Other equity 8 190 15 820 15 560 15 362 15 271
Not allocated profit 4 047 1 082 2 131 3 739 2 245
Subordinated liabilities 284 285 284 284 284
Bonds 77 78 77 77 77
Other subordinated loans 207 207 207 207 207
Technical provisions 77 962 82 528 83 908 82 911 85 500
Net provision for unearned premium 14 735 19 352 19 120 17 065 15 422
Net provision for outstanding claims 38 231 37 238 37 658 38 910 40 062
Provision for bonuses and rebates 35 35 31 38 42
Equalization provision 24 943 25 882 27 079 26 836 29 911
Provision for not discharges risk 29 28 25 25 23
Equalization provision 14 512 15 128 16 015 15 581 18 389
Reinsurance provision 1 464 1 447 1 377 1 351 1 325
Administrative provision 1 860 1 913 2 020 1 987 1 973
Naturedamage provision 6 013 6 287 6 544 6 787 7 013
Guarantee provision 1 065 1 080 1 098 1 105 1 188
Net other technical provisions 18 20 20 62 63
Provisions for other charges 815 956 866 947 742
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 90 212 162 243 96
Other provisions for charges 725 745 704 703 646
Other liabilities 12 123 11 677 8 383 5 722 6 682
Loans . . 1 . .
Expences accrued 962 976 950 1 006 1 095
Deffered income 12 10 5 5 15
Payable tax 32 73 103 173 122
Dividend 1 322 1 332 14 2 121
Insurance liabilities 2 421 3 267 2 695 2 589 2 731
Other liabilities 7 375 6 018 4 614 1 947 2 598
Total liabilities 106 727 115 821 114 939 112 792 116 240
Number of companies 93 93 95 95 94
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 292 298 297 304 312