Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2005
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.06.2004 30.09.2004* 31.12.2004* 31.03.2005* 30.06.2005*
Intangible assets 671 619 531 503 503
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 222 200 174 162 152
Other intangible assets 449 419 357 340 351
Tangible fixed assets 36 292 39 251 42 312 42 665 42 780
Land and buildings 36 118 39 097 42 173 42 499 42 584
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 174 153 138 166 195
Capital assets 185 644 185 190 176 846 177 199 174 464
Investments in subsiduaries 8 686 8 730 9 500 9 619 10 182
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships . 7 0 0 .
Shares 1 933 1 983 1 917 1 945 1 941
Primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 15 15 15 15 13
Bonds 175 002 174 454 165 405 165 618 162 326
Other capital assets 8 1 8 1 1
Short-term investments 229 631 237 933 260 422 276 262 290 857
Shares 54 236 57 106 61 118 62 775 69 087
Primary capital certificates . . 23 41 47
Shares in securities funds 46 475 54 005 59 635 64 037 64 973
Bonds 102 580 102 706 104 297 110 313 115 857
Certificates 25 286 22 839 33 927 37 054 39 281
Financial derivatives 993 1 134 1 278 818 740
Other short-term investments 61 144 144 1 224 873
Loans utilizied 20 422 19 030 18 866 18 511 18 645
Gross loans 20 426 19 032 18 873 18 518 18 647
Specified provisions on loans -5 -2 -7 -7 -2
Unspecified provisions on loans -10 -7 -7 -4 -4
Other claims 16 543 19 914 15 119 13 781 12 832
Earned not yet paid revenues 7 015 7 670 7 462 7 793 6 825
Prepaid expenses 600 597 672 940 950
Insurance claims 4 979 9 182 5 299 3 779 3 531
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 3 949 2 466 1 686 1 268 1 526
Cash and bank deposits 18 430 21 879 21 393 24 511 27 518
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0
Banks 15 178 12 710 18 385 21 380 23 112
Foreign banks 3 252 9 169 3 008 3 132 4 406
Total assets 507 624 523 809 535 482 553 428 567 595
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 19 922 20 934 20 475 21 313 22 749
Deposit capital 9 926 9 924 10 291 10 298 10 655
Share capital 4 742 4 742 4 740 4 740 4 745
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 2 861 2 861 2 814 2 814 2 834
Other deposit capital 2 324 2 322 2 737 2 744 3 076
Retained earnings 9 996 11 010 10 184 11 015 12 094
Other equity 7 775 7 628 9 823 10 109 10 109
Not allocated profit 2 220 3 383 361 906 1 986
Subordinated liabilities 9 906 9 709 8 335 8 408 8 396
Bonds 6 827 6 753 5 286 5 340 5 289
Other subordinated loans 3 079 2 956 3 049 3 068 3 107
Revaluation reserve 7 080 7 091 10 498 9 677 12 854
Technical provisions 451 935 464 777 489 686 506 028 517 195
Life assurance provision 428 897 440 616 464 514 479 339 488 957
Premium reserve 400 394 412 342 433 680 448 608 457 145
Additional provisions 8 841 8 810 10 927 10 936 10 851
Premium provision 12 473 11 578 15 472 13 931 13 837
Pension provisions 354 293 129 115 91
Net provision for outstanding claims 2 023 2 313 2 307 2 416 2 447
Not allocated technical provision 3 906 4 324 1 827 3 142 4 388
Net other technical provisions 906 956 171 192 197
Equalization provision 597 596 607 611 618
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 22 440 23 566 24 566 26 079 27 620
Provisions for other charges 1 079 1 142 925 984 912
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 859 903 605 600 594
Other provisions for charges 220 239 319 384 318
Other liabilities 17 703 20 156 5 562 7 017 5 490
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 274 284 386 378 387
Deffered income 170 1 945 389 836 297
Payable tax 55 30 34 22 47
Dividend . . . . .
Insurance liabilities 2 824 1 455 1 048 956 839
Deposits from reassurance companies 9 988 9 974 426 422 419
Other liabilities 4 393 6 468 3 279 4 403 3 502
Total liabilities 507 624 523 809 535 482 553 428 567 595
Number of companies 19 19 18 19 19
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 9 622 8 663 8 633 8 397 8 428