Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 1. quarter 2004
1 Life insurance companies. Profit and loss account1. NOK Million
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004*
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 30 847 35 953 42 902 47 428 49 841 61 888
Gross premiums written 26 986 29 103 36 356 39 214 43 847 53 999
- Reinsurers share of gross premiums written -932 -1 160 -1 703 -1 844 -1 335 -997
- Reinsurers share of investment income -692 -826 -226 -294 -782 -728
Transfer of premiumreserve from other companies 5 485 8 836 8 476 10 351 8 110 9 614
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 22 491 27 409 28 321 28 757 31 240 34 495
Gross claim payment 16 894 19 054 21 344 21 479 22 441 24 947
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments -712 -771 -884 -1 133 -732 -429
Net change in the provision for outstanding claims 216 214 180 290 290 229
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies 6 093 8 911 7 681 8 121 9 241 9 748
Net change in technical provisions 31 242 33 449 19 736 20 786 43 805 51 022
Premiumreserve 17 048 17 683 21 930 25 626 29 037 38 516
Other technical provisions to customers 7 798 7 876 816 55 4 846 6 782
Other technical provisions 6 396 7 891 -3 011 -4 896 9 922 5 724
Investment income (+)/charges (-) 13 563 14 238 17 009 19 148 20 397 20 019
Interest income 12 476 13 859 16 758 18 992 19 036 19 626
Bonds and certificates 10 274 10 599 12 499 14 459 16 510 15 668
Other assets 2 202 3 259 4 259 4 533 2 526 3 958
Interest charges 801 1 715 1 787 1 632 632 2 279
Share dividend etc. 1 889 2 094 2 038 1 788 1 993 2 672
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets 32 872 -5 000 -18 326 -18 487 15 625 12 131
Gains (+)/losses (-) 9 447 14 889 -10 734 -13 024 4 568 8 099
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 7 499 11 754 -17 614 -18 028 -546 5 034
Bonds and certificates -808 -1 594 1 444 738 4 051 2 277
Currency and financial derivatives 2 752 4 551 5 355 4 127 888 794
Land and buildings 4 177 80 139 174 -6
Unrealized gains (+)/losses (-) 23 430 -19 892 -7 657 -5 475 11 241 4 155
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates 25 316 -23 714 -5 881 -7 186 9 814 4 084
Bonds and certificates -3 270 2 683 -3 061 974 1 633 86 125
Currency and financial derivatives 942 628 -116 552 -229 -87 043
Land and buildings 442 511 1 400 185 23 989
Value re-adjustments (+)/adjustments (-) -5 3 65 12 -184 -123
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -1 320 -1 559 -184 -1 660 -1 544 -1 887
Personnel costs 1 421 1 440 1 599 1 571 1 662 1 713
Commisions received (+)/submitted (-) -516 -390 -402 -580 -693 -835
Operating income (+)/costs (-) from real property 1 785 2 156 2 403 2 614 2 644 2 624
Depreciations of non-financial assets 136 111 132 154 171 182
Value adjustments (-)/re-adjustments (+) of non-financial assets . . . -8 . .
Other operating income (+)/expenses (-) -1 032 -1 775 -455 -1 961 -1 661 -1 783
To/from revaluation reserve 21 202 -19 256 -6 637 -1 025 6 818 3 488
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 1 027 2 030 -20 -2 090 2 455 3 146
Extraordinary income (+)/charges (-) 1 719 . 6 . . 25
Tax 355 230 -244 -606 461 79
Profit/loss 2 391 1 800 231 -1 484 1 994 3 092
Applications and transfers 2 391 1 800 231 -1 484 1 994 3 092
Group contribution paid/received 978 8 -252 -1 208 -1 860 10
Dividends 158 1 038 252 874 3 433 986
Other transfers 1 254 754 231 -1 150 421 2 096
Balance on the technical account for life insurance 1 069 2 491 388 -1 699 2 184 3 168

1New accounts reporting from 1997 makes it possible to offer a higher level of specification degree than earlier.
