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Life and non-life insurance companies, 1. quarter 2004
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument1. 31 December. NOK Million
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004*
Intangible assets 623 777 990 1 127 786 530
Goodwill 4 185 161 139 121 3
Deferred tax asset 610 583 825 792 287 174
Other intangible assets 9 9 4 196 379 353
Tangible fixed assets 26 222 29 800 33 782 34 966 36 296 42 443
Land and buildings 25 908 29 321 33 258 34 613 36 141 42 303
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 315 479 524 352 155 140
Capital assets 62 431 74 231 81 406 133 278 176 121 176 911
Investments in subsiduaries 5 379 5 129 5 800 8 327 8 618 9 573
Shares i ltd. and gen. partnerships 2 576 2 656 2 755 0 0 0
Shares 100 134 229 201 1 270 1 917
Primary capital certificates . . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 116 124 14 16 17 15
Bonds 53 827 65 976 72 548 124 673 166 207 165 405
Other capital assets 433 211 59 61 8 0
Short-term investments2 237 607 235 282 240 139 199 790 210 855 262 924
Shares 102 145 99 074 67 920 24 781 45 684 61 388
Primary capital certificates 98 159 160 1 . 23
Shares in securities funds 19 258 25 831 27 498 29 345 43 916 61 630
Bonds 103 727 95 147 112 514 93 705 82 638 104 356
Certificates 12 321 14 152 31 275 50 421 37 010 33 927
Financial derivatives 23 305 665 1 175 1 446 1 481
Other short-term investments 36 615 107 361 161 120
Loans utilizied 25 946 23 915 25 411 23 779 21 261 18 957
Gross loans 25 963 23 929 25 425 23 785 21 263 18 964
Specified provisions on loans -17 -13 -14 -6 -2 -7
Unspecified provisions on loans -9 -11 -15 -14 -9 -7
Other claims 8 747 9 450 17 249 16 546 15 541 15 256
Earned not yet paid revenues 4 629 4 439 5 753 6 368 7 262 7 464
Prepaid expenses 173 187 541 1 305 650 681
Insurance claims 2 543 2 673 4 842 5 337 4 882 5 392
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . . .
Other claims 1 402 2 151 6 114 3 535 2 746 1 718
Cash and bank deposits 7 500 9 684 13 464 20 506 21 151 19 958
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 0 0 0 0
Banks 6 891 7 742 10 895 18 594 17 673 16 950
Foreign banks 610 1 942 2 570 1 912 3 478 3 008
Total assets 369 068 383 129 412 426 429 978 482 001 536 972
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 13 161 14 553 16 140 15 988 16 730 20 519
Deposit capital 4 621 7 418 8 694 9 025 9 138 10 375
Share capital 3 072 3 343 4 018 5 733 5 797 4 740
Primary capital 1 500 1 500 1 500 . . .
Share premiumreserve 30 203 855 473 981 2 814
Other deposit capital 19 2 371 2 320 2 820 2 361 2 821
Retained earnings 8 540 7 135 7 446 6 963 7 592 10 144
Other equity 8 540 7 135 7 446 6 963 7 592 10 144
Subordinated liabilities 8 810 8 305 9 281 8 489 8 543 8 335
Bonds 6 547 5 866 5 846 4 909 5 109 5 366
Other subordinated loans 2 263 2 438 3 436 3 580 3 434 2 969
Revaluation reserve 27 102 7 847 1 217 192 7 010 10 498
Technical provisions 307 222 338 826 371 632 388 418 430 893 490 797
Life assurance provision 297 477 323 340 356 357 373 492 409 363 465 254
Premium reserve 264 367 287 526 327 149 352 921 384 997 435 898
Additional provisions 13 707 14 172 10 891 5 418 8 986 11 000
Premium provision 18 060 19 994 16 549 12 969 12 500 15 625
Pension provisions 397 358 279 193 167 129
Net provision for outstanding claims 832 1 128 1 276 1 655 2 075 2 422
Net other technical provisions 113 162 212 336 638 180
Equalization provision 2 076 2 196 581 525 586 607
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 7 669 13 290 14 695 14 400 20 944 24 937
Provisions for other charges 304 407 494 217 942 1 013
Provisions for pensions 203 207 222 200 219 336
Deffered tax 86 186 258 0 720 605
Other provisions for charges 14 14 14 17 2 72
Other liabilities 12 468 13 191 13 662 16 675 17 883 5 808
Loans . . . . . .
Expences accrued 211 197 276 269 279 375
Deffered income 317 227 329 230 573 363
Payable tax 53 144 70 230 29 34
Dividend 1 023 916 252 . 230 539
Insurance liabilities 981 2 350 1 234 1 242 3 330 1 072
Deposits from reassurance companies 7 624 7 621 9 640 9 997 9 986 426
Other liabilities 2 259 1 737 1 859 4 708 3 456 3 001
Total liabilities 369 068 383 129 412 426 429 978 482 001 536 972
Number of companies 16 19 16 20 20 18
Loan with mortgage on dwelling3 12 785 10 765 11 605 11 526 9 671 8 637

1New accounts reporting from 1997 makes it possible to offer a higher level of specification degree than earlier.
2From 1999 short-term investments are assessed at market value.
3For 1996 the figures include "total home loan". From 1997 the figures include "loan with mortgage on dwelling".
