Statistics Norway - home page

Life and non-life insurance companies, 2007
8 Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
30.09.2006 31.12.2006* 31.03.2007* 30.06.2007* 30.09.2007*
Intangible assets 4 820 4 651 5 177 4 897 5 627
Goodwill . . . . .
Deferred tax asset 808 746 1 326 1 133 1 934
Other intangible assets 4 012 3 905 3 851 3 764 3 693
Tangible fixed assets 3 701 3 776 4 143 4 493 4 181
Land and buildings 3 258 3 241 3 667 4 012 3 648
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 443 535 476 481 533
Capital assets 15 531 17 905 21 550 21 925 23 448
Investments in subsiduaries 5 262 5 730 9 671 9 555 10 099
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships 25 25 25 25 25
Shares 1 184 2 562 2 240 2 223 2 225
Primary capital certificates 23 22 42 44 45
Shares in securities funds . . . . .
Bonds 9 004 9 548 9 561 10 066 11 041
Other capital assets 33 17 12 12 12
Short-term investments 73 560 71 531 71 162 73 871 74 534
Shares 10 552 11 901 12 326 14 104 14 047
Primary capital certificates 24 25 20 20 12
Shares in securities funds 11 303 12 961 14 031 15 015 15 879
Bonds 38 727 36 932 34 909 34 717 33 813
Certificates 12 860 9 538 9 420 9 352 9 538
Financial derivatives -119 -43 238 288 821
Other short-term investments 213 217 218 375 423
Loans utilizied 1 813 1 308 1 271 1 256 1 237
Gross loans 1 821 1 317 1 278 1 263 1 244
Specified provisions on loans -7 -8 -7 -7 -7
Unspecified provisions on loans -1 -0 -0 -0 -0
Other claims 35 678 37 207 38 715 55 377 52 635
Earned not yet paid revenues 1 499 829 1 092 1 239 1 683
Prepaid expenses 1 263 1 327 746 835 710
Insurance claims 10 190 9 821 13 543 13 079 11 683
Reinsurers`s share of technical provisions1 . . 399 16 575 15 089
Other claims 22 727 25 231 22 935 23 648 23 470
Cash and bank deposits 5 549 6 257 8 157 7 188 6 104
The Central Bank of Norway 1 1 0 1 1
Banks 4 560 5 025 7 217 5 852 5 552
Foreign banks 988 1 231 939 1 335 551
Total assets 140 652 142 636 150 175 169 007 167 767
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 29 159 31 053 28 890 32 229 31 600
Deposit capital 5 988 5 902 6 524 7 338 6 109
Share capital 2 474 2 467 2 469 2 549 1 695
Primary capital 4 4 19 19 19
Share premiumreserve 1 016 958 954 1 197 822
Other deposit capital 2 494 2 472 3 082 3 572 3 573
Retained earnings 23 171 25 151 22 366 24 892 25 491
Revaluation reserve 136 85 85 270 6
Other equity 17 906 18 938 21 147 21 867 21 735
Not allocated profit 5 128 6 128 1 134 2 755 3 750
Subordinated liabilities 142 109 107 107 107
Bonds 35 2 . . .
Other subordinated loans 107 107 107 107 107
Technical provisions 101 758 100 474 109 492 126 876 123 839
Gross provision for unearned premium2 18 735 17 701 22 952 25 515 22 412
Gross provision for outstanding claims2 49 005 48 913 51 803 66 614 66 735
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates2 45 68 66 65 66
Equalization provision 33 389 33 191 34 065 34 471 34 340
Provision for not discharges risk 16 0 862 979 679
Equalization provision 21 064 20 808 20 829 21 931 21 879
Reinsurance provision3 1 325 1 319 1 121 . .
Administrative provision 2 273 2 265 2 283 2 489 2 588
Naturedamage provision 7 453 7 574 7 749 7 846 7 952
Guarantee provision 1 259 1 226 1 221 1 226 1 241
Gross other technical provisions2 583 601 606 212 287
Provisions for other charges 2 336 2 034 2 855 2 753 2 568
Provisions for pensions . . . . .
Deffered tax 10 -10 16 73 51
Other provisions for charges 2 325 2 043 2 839 2 680 2 517
Other liabilities 7 258 8 966 8 830 7 041 9 653
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 864 822 715 816 773
Deffered income 5 75 22 6 85
Payable tax 556 852 891 685 1 848
Dividend 50 270 309 27 1
Insurance liabilities 2 423 2 595 2 876 2 649 2 217
Other liabilities 3 361 4 351 4 018 2 858 4 728
Total liabilities 140 652 142 636 150 175 169 007 167 767
Number of companies 95 95 95 96 96
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 329 333 321 332 343

1From 2nd quarter 2007 reinsurers`s share of technical provisions is considerd part of assets
2Gross numbers fom 2nd quarter 2007.
3From 2nd quarter 2007 the reinsurers provision is invalid
