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Life and non-life insurance companies, 4th. quarter 2007
2 Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
31.12.2006 31.03.2007* 30.06.2007* 30.09.2007* 31.12.2007*
Intangible assets 956 979 1 119 1 175 1 204
Goodwill 0 . . . .
Deferred tax asset 252 299 378 380 488
Other intangible assets 704 680 741 795 716
Tangible fixed assets 54 958 55 466 57 962 64 251 70 568
Land and buildings 54 787 55 211 57 702 63 994 70 320
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 171 255 260 257 248
Capital assets 201 338 199 553 205 856 202 132 211 162
Investments in subsiduaries 14 389 16 142 17 722 18 620 27 411
Shares in ltd. and gen. partnerships . 0 . . .
Shares 3 135 3 309 3 339 3 455 3 142
Primary capital certificates . . . . .
Shares in securities funds 11 8 6 7 11
Bonds 184 130 180 241 184 894 180 022 180 644
Other capital assets -327 -148 -106 28 -46
Short-term investments 359 266 370 005 378 220 366 309 378 702
Shares 97 411 105 934 109 388 96 605 84 795
Primary capital certificates 1 . . . .
Shares in securities funds 116 461 127 239 134 277 129 475 161 310
Bonds 127 174 118 963 115 294 118 765 112 083
Certificates 16 695 15 945 16 065 16 146 17 999
Financial derivatives 635 742 1 940 4 205 1 740
Other short-term investments 889 1 183 1 255 1 113 774
Loans utilizied 20 173 20 499 20 017 19 844 28 068
Gross loans 20 174 20 499 20 017 19 844 28 068
Specified provisions on loans -1 . . . .
Unspecified provisions on loans . . . . .
Other claims 16 634 17 368 16 199 29 105 19 173
Earned not yet paid revenues 7 737 8 332 6 792 8 091 7 351
Prepaid expenses 469 469 461 512 386
Insurance claims 3 308 4 603 4 499 12 080 3 534
Deposits with ceding undertakings . . . . .
Other claims 5 119 3 965 4 447 8 423 7 902
Cash and bank deposits 25 337 27 907 26 044 39 877 35 588
The Central Bank of Norway 0 0 . 0 0
Banks 16 724 23 404 19 841 29 298 29 531
Foreign banks 8 613 4 503 6 203 10 578 6 056
Total assets 678 663 691 777 705 417 722 692 744 466
Liabilities and equity capital   
Equity capital 25 400 27 130 32 703 35 367 39 043
Deposit capital 12 451 12 230 12 704 13 139 22 078
Share capital 4 535 4 535 4 535 4 559 5 261
Primary capital . . . . .
Share premiumreserve 3 543 3 595 3 595 3 961 12 199
Other deposit capital 4 372 4 099 4 574 4 618 4 618
Retained earnings 12 950 14 900 19 999 22 228 16 965
Other equity 12 950 13 144 13 151 13 151 16 793
Not allocated profit . 1 757 6 848 9 077 172
Subordinated liabilities 10 905 10 809 9 784 9 547 14 305
Bonds 7 904 7 932 6 918 6 766 4 053
Other subordinated loans 3 000 2 877 2 866 2 781 10 252
Revaluation reserve 25 500 25 675 28 631 22 826 18 299
Technical provisions 604 892 613 056 621 332 639 366 653 148
Life assurance provision 560 601 567 818 574 567 592 685 600 014
Premium reserve 516 076 523 674 526 547 546 753 550 445
Additional provisions 20 783 20 673 20 365 20 250 23 513
Premium provision 19 318 18 596 17 951 14 049 14 777
Pension provisions 314 74 449 76 100
Fund for deposits 239 87 99 117 134
Net provision for outstanding claims 2 516 2 595 2 731 2 823 2 996
Not allocated technical provision . 702 5 012 7 187 6 541
Net other technical provisions 1 354 1 416 1 413 1 431 1 507
Equalization provision 704 735 743 751 6 499
Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder 43 587 44 503 46 023 45 930 46 635
Provisions for other charges 1 402 1 325 940 738 2 347
Provisions for pensions 485 . . . .
Deffered tax 914 916 526 315 1 381
Other provisions for charges 3 409 414 422 966
Other liabilities 10 564 13 783 12 026 14 849 17 324
Loans . . . . .
Expences accrued 1 022 993 967 1 067 1 052
Deffered income 63 -75 646 344 464
Payable tax 32 28 57 30 35
Dividend 131 74 -12 -12 2 058
Insurance liabilities 839 1 105 449 800 3 125
Deposits from reassurance companies 7 7 7 7 7
Other liabilities 8 469 11 651 9 912 12 614 10 584
Total liabilities 678 663 691 777 705 417 722 692 744 466
Number of companies 19 19 19 19 19
Loan with mortgage on dwelling 8 740 8 772 8 961 9 142 9 390