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Life and non-life insurance companies, 4th. quarter 2007
12 Non-life insurance companies. Total utilizied loans, by borrower setcor. NOK Million
Sector 31.12.2006 31.03.2007* 30.06.2007* 30.09.2007* 31.12.2007*
Total 1 307 1 271 1 655 1 237 998
General government . . . . .
Central government . . . . .
County municipalities . . . . .
Municipalities . . . . .
Financial enterprises 256 247 514 238 2
State lending institutions . . . . .
Banks 10 . 270 . .
Mortgage companies . . . . .
Finance companies . . . . .
Units trust(UK)/Mutual funds (US) . . . . .
Other financial enterprises 245 246 243 237 1
Life insurance companies etc. . . . . .
Non-life insurance companies 1 1 1 1 1
Financial auxiliaries . . . . .
Non-financial enterprises 37 39 38 38 58
Central government enterprises . . . . .
Other state enterprises . . . . .
Municipal enterprises . . . . .
Private incorporated companies 35 39 38 38 57
Private non-profit institutions 1 . . . 1
Houshold etc. 933 906 897 891 867
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.) 2 0 0 0 0
Private non-profit institutions serving households 0 0 0 0 0
Unincorporated private enterprises 12 10 10 11 88
Households of employees 920 895 886 879 778
Unspecified sector . . . . .
Rest of the world 81 79 206 71 70